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The Bridge Zone Radio Show -140

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Included this week:

Top of the world to ya

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  • Waikato Area Pairs
  • Hamilton Intermediate and Junior
  • Marlborough Teams
  • NZ Bridge Board elections

Bridge Zone – Zone 7 – Alone

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  • NZ Teams announced
  • Bridge Zone team does well except…


At the pond with Kermit

  • Consistency
  • Pickle Juice
  • Kitchen Duty… pre warm up
  • Rosemary

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Judge Julie Rules

  • Placement of the board
  • Turning the bidding pad over
  • Can you tell someone the contract?
  • Where do you place the bidding pad?
  • Toothpaste
  • Kaikoura 10A coming up soon





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Our Sponsors
  • Tauranga City Council
  • TECT.jpg