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2021 National Bridge Congress Update March 2021

At a time when so many are sad about the cancellation of the Taranaki Bridge Congress, let’s look for some better news with respect to our National Congress.

Sponsorship from Apex Car Hire

We mentioned last time that Apex will be a sponsor for our National Congress this year. The company has many strong connections to our bridge family, especially in the Christchurch area. Thus, support this company which is helping our National Congress by hiring a car.  Remember they are offering 15% discount whether you rent/ return the car from Tauranga, Auckland or other locations.

The code for bridge players for our website is APXBRIDGE. When you go on the Apex website “enter code” is centre front. Their website address is

Entering and Paying for Events on the Congress website

We have indicated that there will be a new method for entering and paying for Congress registrations through the Congress part of the New Zealand Bridge website. We just want to advise you that we hope this will be up and running by the beginning of April, at which point we will be encouraging players to enter all the events they intend to play. You can pay there and then if you wish or delay until on or before the end of August, assuming you want to benefit from the 10% prompt payment discount.


Enquiries equates to interest so that the enquiries received so far about the meaning of some terms in relation to the National Congress is very positive. So, let’s spell out some classifications.

Restricted Open

This will apply to Pairs, Teams and Swiss Pairs. To be able to play in the Restricted Open competitions, neither partner, nor no Team member in the Teams must have a ranking higher than National Master in 2021. That means that Life and all types of Grand Master are excluded from these events.

Everyone else is eligible though in respect of the Restricted Open Swiss Pairs, Intermediates and Juniors will have their own competition if they prefer.

In the Pairs and Teams competitions where Intermediates and Juniors will play against Open players of National Master status or lower, there will be separate category prizes for top Intermediate and Junior players.

Senior events

There are two Senior only events at this year’s National Congress, Pairs and Teams. To qualify, you must be aged 62 (or of course older) for part of 2021, even just 1 day. So, if you turn 62 on December 31st 2021, you’re in.

Youth Players

In the Congress proper, there are no Youth only events. In previous National Congresses, the day before (Friday) has seen the National Youth Teams take place at the Congress venue. We are not yet clear whether that will happen this year.

However, there are special Youth prizes and trophy for the top Youth pair in the New Zealand Open Pairs. This is the Lionel Wright Trophy. To qualify for this award, both players must be born after 31st December 1996, that is 24 at the end of 2020.

Also, Youth players qualify for a 50% discount from New Zealand Bridge to the Congress proper as long as they are full-time students. The same age criteria apply.

Novice Pairs.

This is a one session event on the last Saturday afternoon, starting at 1.30pm. The timing is so that it ends at the same time as other Congress events and that those eligible players can join in and experience the refreshments and prize-giving for the Congress as a whole.    

A Novice player is any Junior player who either

  •  started playing in 2019 or more recently or
  •  is ranked Novice as at 1st January 2021”
        If you know any new players who may be interested in this event, please make sure they know about it. 

We have had some disappointments already this year with respect to cancelled bridge sessions and tournaments. Here’s hoping that our National Congress will be a happening event in our wonderful new home at Bay Park.


Front Desk Smiles

Gwyn and Nola  smiling 19.JPG

Here’s hoping Gwyn and Nola will be enjoying themselves as much at the 2021 Congress as they have done in the past. They will be if they can help you, the players enjoy yourselves. 

Please ask if you have any queries regarding this year's National Congress.

Richard Solomon
Chairman of New Zealand Bridge National Congress Organising Committee      phone 09 232 8494      027 245 5418

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