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Covid Advisory with respect to Bridge

Deep down we all know we have not reached the end of this awful virus, but we all hoped that the authorities would control the virus at the border and avoid community spread.

We now know our ordinary lives have once again been put on hold. Auckland is now at Alert Level 3 with constraints in and out of Auckland. The rest of New Zealand is at Alert Level 2. The new Alert Levels are in place for 7 days. No doubt we will hear from the Government over the coming days.

The increase in the Alert Levels will inevitably disrupt our daily bridge fix. To provide some relief keep an eye out for online events over the coming week.

There are many scheduled events next weekend including the Taranaki Congress. This is so hard on the organisers who have put in a considerable effort.

The big question is whether we can preserve some of the Taranaki Congress which is scheduled to go through to the 11th March. We will work with the Taranaki Bridge Congress organising committee and do our best to keep the event on the calendar.

An update will be posted in the next 24 hours.

Cheers Allan

Allan Morris, Chairman of The Board, New Zealand Bridge

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