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The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 134

Bridge Zone.jpg

Included this week:




  • South Island Teams         Christchurch
  • Bell Taylor                           Auckland




Ware, oh where – we have a new graph for 2021


Commentator curse on the Bridesmaid


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  • Be aware of your mistakes
  • What’s your error count?
  • Revelation of being mistake free





  •    Disguise your values
  •                 False carding
  •                 Be tricky


Judge Julie




  • Mereana needs some clarification on claiming
  • JJ reviews claiming
  • Throwing a hissy fit
  • Take what you want…. It’s not good




Partnership practise, Barry breaks this in to 3 very general areas

  •                 Solo practise
  •                 Bidding practise
  •                 Declarer play



Keep your entries coming in for the Book and the Email

Results next week



  • Can you sleepwalk your way to victory?
  • What’s your job at the table
  • We are after contact from one of our listeners -  are you keen?
  • What’s a chicane?




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  • Tauranga City Council
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