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Top of The South News with Jenny Pomeroy

I am a little tardy with the Top of the South bulletin,but it does mean that I can include Friday night’s Babich Wines NZ Wide Pairs and the Michael Green Trophy.  A good turn-out of both clubs and players in the Babich NZ Wide Pairs and a great performance from Kaikoura’s Charmaine Hanbury Webber and Teri Sonal who were 7th overall and the top Intermediate pair. Always a fun night with bars open, shared suppers, much post play chat and hand analysis.  I am super impressed by the speed at the scores are collated and results finalised.  Thanks to those who run those calculations while we are at the bar.

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Nelson barmen, Mike Fitzsimons and         Paul Nistor, Peter Grooby & Leigh Gamby
Gary Chalmers                                           Leigh and Peter were 1st East/West at the club
                                                                    before the scores went into the "big mixer".

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Susan Hinkley and Lindsey Guy.               Doug McLearie and Toby Gordon looking over hands.

Michael Green Trophy

Sunday saw the Michael Green Trophy, a Junior teams competition held annually between Nelson, Motueka and Richmond Clubs.  To be eligible, you must be ranked club master or below. So, it is often the players’ first tournament and first go at Teams.  A good gentle, relaxed way to start the tournament journey. It was Richmond’s turn to host this year. Steve Gray ran, directed and scored the day; Donella Kelly and Jenny Pomeroy ensured the players were suitably fed and irrigated.  It was close going into the final round between Nelson and Motueka, but Nelson had the edge and retain the trophy for another year.
               The Winners from Nelson

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Alex Decker, Erin Fitzsimons, David Porter, David Wreathall, Sue Wreathall, Paul Nistor, Jessica Le Bas and Debra Lee Pioch

 Ernest Rutherford at Richmond

Richmond held their Ernest Rutherford Tournament over the first three Thursdays in September.  A popular format, particularly for those players who have weekend commitments but still keen for some tournament play. 26 pairs played the three sessions; which were rounded off with an afternoon tea provided by the sponsors, Ernest Rutherford, and prize giving.

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in 1st place: Steve Gray and         Jann Dyer and Chris Sutton                     Inga Lane and Diane Donnelly
 Lindsey Guy: Spades winners      4th overall and Hearts winners                 3rd overall and Diamond winners

Marlborough Swiss Pairs - 3rd October

30 pairs with Peter and Jenny Story winning by a very large margin.

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   Jenny and Peter Story

Tony Oberdries and Adrian Abraham were second in Spades; Annette Bury and Gill Webby 1st in hearts, Lesley Pincombe and Claire Welch 2nd and in the Diamonds grade Sally Lang and Dianne Smith 1st and Bevan and Anne Bruce 2nd.

 AGMs, new faces and Life Members

Several clubs have had their AGMs recently with a few changes to committees and presidents.  Lori Godden is president of Golden Bay. Richmond welcomes Pam Dravitzki and Caroline McGee onto their committee. Viv Murray is the new secretary of Marlborough, Kevin Hill steps onto the Nelson Committee as vice president. 

Thanks to all who put their hands up or have their arms twisted. Our clubs cannot function without the hours or work our presidents, committees and very many helpers do for all of us.  So, it is lovely that there have been a few life memberships awarded recently for the many many years of work, stewardship, and development our members have committed to our clubs and our game of bridge.  Congratulations to Fran Jessep, Julita March and Harold Stevenson on being elected as life members of Marlborough Club and Eleanor Bradshaw in Golden Bay.

Golden Bay's new Life Member

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Eleanor Bradshaw

Other News

In other news, many who have completed the beginners’ lessons earlier this year are now getting to grips with club play and I hear enjoying it.  Lindsey Guy has been running a series of improver’s lessons in Richmond with up to 20 in attendance.  Marlborough are running lessons on Monday afternoon. Motueka have had two sets of lessons this year.  There’s definitely a thirst to learn out there.

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new members at Marlborough

  Marlborough have split their Tuesday night session into two: more and less competitive. They are also running sessions where you can turn up without a partner and one will be found.  Richmond are also doing this on their afternoon sessions as are many clubs in our region.  And finally Motueka managed a bit of outsourcing as their club rooms were used by the Ministry of Health during the lockdown!


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