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Australian on-line Teams competition using Real Bridge

Calling for New Zealand entries.

All those who have been to any NZ National Congress will know the name if not the face of the most popular Australian visiting director, Matthew McManus.

We also know that in many parts of Australia, live bridge is not a happening thing at present.

The ABF has asked me Matthew to organise an online Teams competition. It will be held (mainly) the weekend on which was previously scheduled the final of their Grand National Open Teams was to take place, November 28-29.

Matthew would like to invite any NZ players who would like to play. This is what Matthew has to say about the event.

“Over November 28-29 there will be a 8 round Swiss of 12 board matches. The following weekend (December 5-6) there will be a finals series (quarters-, semis-, final), plus an optional Consolation Swiss Pairs for non-qualifiers on the Saturday.

We will be using a new online platform out of the UK - RealBridge. It provides both sight and sound, so you can see and speak to everyone at your table. It is as close as you can get to real bridge. The NSWBA has been using it over the last six weeks and it has proved to be extremely popular. As in Sydney we won't be able to return to face to face bridge until some time in the new year, we will now be running all our championship events on the platform.

 RealBridge also has far more event format options than BBO. So, running a true Swiss is much simpler for the players and directors than it would otherwise be.”

For further information about this event, please click here.

pdf 2020_ABF_Online_Teams.pdf 

Richard Solomon

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