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National Rubber Bridge Finals update

National Rubber Bridge update.

The first semi-final in the National Rubber Bridge event was played earlier this week and saw Clare Coles and Kevin Whyte from Cambridge (Waikato Bays) take on Wellington’s Russell Dive and Anthony Ker. Three of the quarter finals were played using Bridge Base On-Line (BBO) and both semi-finals and the final were/will be played the same way.

Over to Kevin to describe the match:

"Once again, Clare and I left it until the last hand to win our match, this time against Ant and Russell despite my earnest endeavours to sabotage our chances, overcoming a 1900 deficit after 25 boards.

On board 20, I had a chance to win the rubber but went light in 3Heart-smallx (makeable) and on the next board put Clare into an unmakeable 3Heart-smallx (3 off). Suffice to say partner was not pleased!

Kevin Whyte Clare Coles.jpg
with one hand on the winners' prize, though it is not
 their's yet! That's Kevin Whyte and Clare Coles

Consecutive slams on boards 26 and 27 put us back in the lead but Ant and Russell made game on board 29 which meant we were 290 behind with game our only option on board 30. Clare duly obliged with 3NT so that we finished 110 up.

An amazing match and commiserations to Ant and Russell.

Particular thanks to Ant for his sportsmanship in noting 2 lots of 4 honours on our behalf, one of which I overlooked.”

The second semi-final match between Christchurch’s Tony Quinlivan and Stuart Grant and Wellington’s David May and Brian Cleaver takes place on Monday November 2nd.

A reminder that one condition of these on-line matches is that kibitzers are not allowed.

Richard Solomon

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