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Covid 19 Advisory

From 11.59pm on Wednesday the entire Country will be at Alert Level 1. This is good news, allowing resumption of club bridge and tournaments.

We want to thank Auckland players for supporting the guidelines to take your Alert Level with you when travelling out of Auckland. Your actions have made it much easier for organisers.


Over the last 2 weekends we have seen tremendous support for the regional discretionary events. It is clear there is a huge demand to get back to face to face bridge, so isn’t it a delight we can now (well at least from Thursday) all do that. There were a number of players from all over the Country who had decided whilst Congress was cancelled would still travel and take advantage of playing a few events.


It is apparent that COVID 19 will be with us for some time. It is important we do not become complacent, remembering to take care of our health.

If you are unwell stay away and check with your doctor.


Our message remains the same.

Stay well, stay safe

Cheers Allan

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