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The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 111

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  • Twits, twats and twots
  • Got an issue – see the Appeals Advisor

 Bridge Zone 10 Sept 2020 001.jpg


  • fingers crossed
  • Stay positive peeps


Judge Julie talks

  • Directors
  •  Qualification criteria
  •  Age and golf scores

Bridge Zone Show 10 Sept 2020 002.jpg

Questions on

  • planning for make tricks
  • percentages
  • guess how old Barry is………

 Bridge Zone Show 10 Sept 2020 003.jpg


Auckland Inter Provincial Team

  •         Wow what team
  •         Steve Boughey - Matt Brown – maybe next year


Click here to enjoy the show


Have fun on BBO or if you are lucky enough – at your  Club

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Our Sponsors
  • Tauranga City Council
  • TECT.jpg