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The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 109

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Included this week:

Blood on the floor

  • that’s what you get when you double and double well

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Do the maths

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  • When partner doubles opps 1NT
  • Get those telephone numbers

Judge Julie

  •    We have a heavy discussion about level 3 and level 2 lockdowns
  •    Some Bridge Clubs are playing
  •    South Island Pairs – we tackle this event

Andrew ROBSON – our next International Guest

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  • Got a question for him
  • Send it in so we can put our agenda together for him

Kia Ora Kotou to our listeners at Kyle of Lochalsh in the Highlands. Nice to hear from you and welcome to The Bridge Zone clan

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  • Old Trout Syndrome – any ideas – perhaps you are one or know of one
  • Sorry about the double up in some of the content on today’s show
  • It won’t happen again

Stay safe and make that mask

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  • Tauranga City Council
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