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Volunteer of The Month

August 2020           Chris Marshall   Picton.

Our Volunteer this month is a huge contributor at Regional and Club level. The nomination comes from the Picton Club Committee with words from Past President, Claire Welch, because Chris, the nominee, has, typically come to the rescue and is once more Club President. Over to Claire:

I would like to nominate Chris Marshall for “Volunteer of the Month” on behalf of the Picton Bridge Club.

Our small club totally relies on so many members who willingly carry out every task required.  Part of me feels as though it dishonours the other fine volunteers by focussing on one member only; however, I am conscious of how lost I felt during the course of last year, when Chris was been unable to come along for extended periods.  During the whole of my time as President, I appreciated Chris’s knowledge and capability, his guidance and willingness.  I feel as though Chris’s contribution to our club certainly goes above and beyond the call of duty.  The entire committee feels likewise.

Early in 2020, our incoming President stood down, and Chris willingly took on the role as President of our Picton Bridge Club again.

On a national scale, Picton Bridge Club is a relatively small club in a small town.  But within Picton, the Bridge Club is the largest leisure club catering for the mature population.  The size of our club means willing participation on all levels is essential to maintain a healthy club.  Chris motivates and is supportive of newer players.  This encouragement helps less experienced players take on service roles within the club.

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It looks like Chris is about to speak as Claire Welch
hands over the microphone.

I learned to play bridge and joined the club in 2012.  I was aware Chris was on the committee.  I know he had previously been President.  At the 2018 AGM, we did not elect Chris to be on the committee, realising it was high time he had a break from this commitment.  However, it was clear we needed his experience with the functioning of NZ Bridge and Top of the South, and the setting up a major overhaul of our computer system.  So he was co-opted back onto the committee in early 2019.

In my two year term as President, he was an active and helpful committee member.  Chris has been one of the pivotal members with the computer project.  We rely on his understanding of the systems.  He has spent many a long hour working on our computer at home to ensure our club nights function smoothly.

We have a small pool of playing directors.  Chris is often our director for club play.  He and his partners have their play interrupted by “director” calls, and computer glitch calls, on a too monotonously regular basis.

Chris has collaborated with our Treasurer to bring the club’s financial recording up to a high and modern standard.

At times, Chris has offered training for intermediate players.

Chris is the person behind the Home Teams idea and implementation in our club.  As this competition takes us into members’ homes, it has done a lot for the social aspect of our club and made us into a very friendly club.

Chris has been a member of the Top of the South Regional Committee since its inception and has held the position of Treasurer and Chairperson.  As well as his strong leadership within the region, he has brought this overview of the Region to the Picton Club, which has been of immense benefit to our Club

He has been instrumental in encouraging us as a club to take on hosting of top national tournaments.

Chris Marshall glass.jpg
Chris may like bridge hands but his hand 
holds a glass which indicates the type of drink
he likes inside after a session of bridge!

Along with his dedication to this club, Chris has been an active member of the Port Marlborough Pavilion Board.  He is currently the Treasurer.  The community run facility is the venue for our club activities.  Chris’s active involvement with the pavilion governance has been very helpful for the bridge club.

The Picton Bridge committee, with me as its Immediate Past President, are proud to nominate Chris Marshall as “Volunteer of the Month.”, a nomination NZ Bridge is delighted to endorse. (Richard Solomon)


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