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The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 108

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Included this week:

  • Undies Undies
  • Togs Togs
  • Parachutes…………

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  • We make face masks out of scarves, headbands, socks and undies
  • Join Judge Julie online for BBO fun if you are just out of the lessons
  • It’s a normal session with support on hand to help with bidding
  • No pressure with generous time limits
  • Judge Julie shares her secret life away from Bridge
  • No secrets at the Bridge table today

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  • The Bugger word is reborn, loved those Toyota ads
  • Barry’s shares his other speciality as well – mooooo
  • It’s all fun today

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  • Tournaments are being cancelled left right and centre
  • We are holding our breaths that Congress will go ahead
  • Barry catches up with Richard the Gatekeeper
  • Nigella sneaks back into the Bridge Zone
  • We shout out to him, he beat Mereana by 1 spot Monday night
  • Inter - Provincial teams have been named – we shout out the Waikato Bays lot
  • Still waiting on Auckland – possibly the Top of the South
  • Heading off to Wellington
  • Our team has some great looking shirts


  • Tip of the week   Politics, Trumps, Overcalls and Shape

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  • COVID discussion and blah blah blah

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  • Tauranga City Council
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