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The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 107

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Included this week:

Bridge Zone 12 Aug 2020 002.jpg


Here we go again


  • Talking about Gold Coast, Canberra Congresses being cancelled and under review
  • Our Congress was going full steam ahead
  • Numbers were looking good


And then…..

Bridge Zone 12 Aug 2020 003.jpg 


  • Tournaments cancelled though the spirit of the show lives on



 Bridge Zone Show 12 Aug 2020 001.jpg



  • Who’s this handsome devil!!!
  • We slipped Allan a copy of the July ratings for The Bridge Zone
  • He was just as impressed as we were
  • Thanks everyone for listening


  • Judge Julie enlightened the team with a word of the week
  • Are you loose, a fudger, a deviant?
  • It’s all in a day’s work
  • Happy Bridging if you can
  • See you online


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  • Tauranga City Council
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