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Successful School Bridge Competition at the Auckland Bridge Club

12 pairs representing five Auckland schools took part in the annual Auckland-Northland Schools Pairs competition held at the Auckland Bridge Club on the morning of Sunday July 26th .

There was a very friendly and competitive atmosphere as the players played an 18 board session under the direction of Paul Coleman. Top scores went to the following:

North-South                                                                                               %

  1. Eric Liu- Denny Woo                            Macleans College                57.89
  2. Harrison Coates- James Harnett          Auckland Grammar              53.22 
    eric liu  denny woo.jpg    James Harnett and Harrison Coates.jpg
    Eric Liu and Denny Woo           James Harnett and Harrison Coates


  1. Victor Li – Donny Weng                     Macleans College                 57.89
  2. Eric Chou – Wayne Lu                       Macleans College                 55.89
    Donny Weng and Victor Li.jpg  eric chou and wayne lu.jpg 
    Victor Li and Donny Weng           Eric Chou and Wayne Lu

It was a competition of very few games. Indeed, the North-South winners did not make one game though they were one of two pairs who had the joy of bidding and making a slam on Board 1:

Board 1
North Deals
None Vul
A K 8
Q 10 2
A 10 9 7 2
K 7
10 9 7 4 3 2
8 7
Q 5
10 9 6
W   E
J 5 4
K J 8 6
J 8 5 4 2
Q J 6
A K 9 6 3
4 3
A Q 3


After North either opened 1NT (15-17) or rebid 1NT after opening 1Diamond-small to show the same point count, South knew the partnership had enough high-card points to bid slam (31-33 with a 5-card suit). They could check for aces or just bid to 6NT directly. Declarer can cash 5 heart tricks, three in each black suit and Diamond-smallA to come to 12. One pair even managed all 13!

Several of the players will be coming to the New Zealand Bridge sponsored Youth Bridge Weekend in two weeks’ time at the same venue.

Richard Solomon

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