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Volunteer of The Month

Julie Sheridan - Mt Maunganui.

Julie has been a stalwart of the Mt Manganui club for many years. She has been nominated by the
club committee. The following piece, highlighting a typical month, has been submitted by club Secretary, Gilda Rowland.

" A typical month for Julie is a busy one….

Every Thursday afternoon Julie can be found at Mt Maunganui GOLF Club running the bridge lessons which she founded several years ago.  Membership has grown from a handful to upwards of 30 or more.  Many participants have gone on to become full members of the Mount Bridge Club.

Julie’s car is a common sight in the bridge carpark. She puts in many hours preparing boards for tournaments, creating emergency boards and organizing her dealing team. Other activities include the administration of the Club’s website and keeping the club handicaps up to date.

If there is an error in the bridge results, Julie is often first to spot it. She is an active participant in the Club’s monthly committee meetings. If Julie is involved in the tournaments we run, you can be sure that nothing is left to chance because of her eye for detail.  She keeps everyone on their toes and does this in a very quiet, unobtrusive manner.

Julie - Card.jpg

Julie plays at a the top level of bridge and has been a representative player for both Tauranga and Mt Maunganui clubs. She often takes new players under her wing and imparts her knowledge in a considerate and quiet way. She does all this voluntarily and with good humour and we feel she certainly deserves to be volunteer of the month. "

 New Zealand Bridge is delighted to have Julie as its Volunteer of the Month for July 2020.

Richard Solomon


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