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New Youth Bridge Appointment

New Zealand Bridge is pleased to welcome Paul Coleman to the role of National Youth Development Worker. This is a part-time role which oversees the development of our new young players whether in schools or tertiary education. It covers their Bridge development apart from the international side of Youth Bridge.

Paul Coleman  .jpg

Paul is currently the Youth Development liaison person in the Auckland-Northland Region and one of his first tasks will be to establish such people in each region.

A former youth player himself, Paul is Auckland based and his own young daughter, Briar, is one of those learning and enjoying playing the game. In addition, Paul is a Tournament Director and has said that he and his wife, Cherie, would like to play more bridge too.

So, welcome to the role, Paul. He will be assisting me at the NZ Bridge sponsored Youth Bridge Weekend to be held 7th-9th August at the Auckland Bridge Club. If you have any queries, ways in which you could support Paul in his role, then please email him on

I am sure all wish Paul well in his new role.

Richard Solomon

PS If you know of any young players who would be interested in coming to the Youth Bridge Weekend, please let them and me know.


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