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Top of The South News with Jenny Pomeroy

Top of the South players along with the rest of New Zealand, and I’d hazard a guess, the world, have embraced BBO at a phenomenal rate.  Whether casually setting up a table for four, playing the tournaments organised by Patrick Carter and Auckland Bridge Club, or our most recent event; Top of the South Social Distance Teams, organised by Ray Curnow, with a lot of input from Ed Roggeveen and Wayne Smith, there is a huge number of us who are still getting our weekly fix. 

We have adapted well and got the hang of it.  Some of us will have a few habits to break on return to club play, as there is often some vocal encouragement and quite a bit of body language aimed at the computer screen!  Thanks to all those who have put hours and hours into keeping bridge alive for us.  There’s no doubt that we miss our club play, but what an opportunity to play with so many different people and I have had someone mention to me, the honour of playing against those right at the top.

Another Cancellation

So many tournaments cancelled of late and unfortunately, the South Island Teams, which was due to be held at Picton, on the week-end of 3rd-4th July, is another Covid casualty.

Top of the South Social Distance Teams

Twenty-six teams from most of the Region’s clubs and beyond, even Australia have battled it out in four grades.  We’ve had folk with 2 through to over 900 Rating Points. So, it’s been both a geographical and experience mix.  Team captains have done a great job lining up their matches.  Perhaps availability was slightly easier at the start of the competition. This correspondent was definitely not keen to play the first night of Level 2……a night out with friends beyond the Zoom & House Party Apps did beckon!

 The overall winner is still to be decided with play offs now underway.  Prizes of jams and chutneys very kindly donated by Westport’s Yvonne Scarlett.

Yvonne Scarlett and Wayne Smith.JPG
Jam and chutney maker, Yvonne Scarlett
 with Wayne Smith who has been helping
with Social Distancing Teams and local players
on BBO.

The grade winners are:

Spades: Ant Hopkins, Garry Foidl, Rachelle Pelkman and Murray Wood

Hearts: Chris Turner, Ian Brash, Helen Barker and Anne Shearer

Diamonds: Richard Knight, Graeme Duhs, Chris Moore and Steve Moore

Clubs: Sue Glue, Michelle Gunn, Brian Rowlands and John Boyes

Due to the success of Social Distance Teams 1, Social Distance Teams 2, with 35 entries, kicked off on 26 May.

We still have a few more weeks before most clubs swing back into action. So, if you haven’t embraced BBO yet, think up a username, get yourself a login and give it a go. There’s plenty in your club who can help.  Wayne Smith is running BBO lessons for a socially distanced 10, at the Westport Club, which have proved popular.

A lack of photos this time, so I thought I would add one, which is my username…..

 Squince Beach.jpeg
no competition for guessing the beach and the
 user name. We think Jenny would be the only winner.
However, if you ever think of going to Squince Beach
in West Cork, Jenny would love to come with you.

And thanks once again to all those who have invested so much time and energy in providing such a great alternative. 

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