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Bridge Zone Radio Show - 096

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This week's show includes:


The Seven Dwarfs or some of them get a mention on the Bridge Zone

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  • Judge Julie is in the house and we talk up a storm
  • Nigella has a question for his favourite Judge
  • But what do you self-alert, how much is giving too much information to the opps
  • What is it about alerting…some still find it hard
  • Hand evaluation – up or down – whatever feels right!
  • We all open slightly outside partnership system
  • Remember the last time you opened a strong 2C  – did you actually have 23+ 
  • Weak 2’s – vul against non vul – how many hcp’s do you really need? 
  • Sometimes you just have to get in there, don’t you
  • How many ways can you value your hand?

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  • The Litmus test
  • How many times has your partner rolled their eyes when you put dummy down?
  • When it becomes more than often then your explanation should be reviewed
  • Barry gets the sack as a Director on BBO
  • He got his marching papers or something similar


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  • Judge Julie tells us about her lessons and the presentations she has been facilitating
  • Socialisation is mentioned, playing or director – whose prefers what.. mis clicks, BBO chat, CAPITALS is shouting, undo’s
  • How long do you have to ask a question before the table gets on your case, no emotion on BBO chat, how do you be bouncy when typing the chats 
  • Smiley faces help – who goes onto Wikipedia to look up how to do flash emojis’

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  • Bailiff is certainly in his element – a massive shout out to Patrick Carter
  • He is definitely in his element and provides such a wonderful service to the masses of Bridge addicts around the motu 
  • That Knighthood must be in the pipeline

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