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Bridge on "Breakfast" TV..and News from Paihia

Promoting our Game… and News from Paihia.

It is hard to get bridge publicised on our television channels. Therefore, it is neat to be able to report that this morning, the “Breakfast” programme, on TVI featured an interview with 97 year old Sybil Cornell, the mother of our international, Michael Cornell, and herself an avid bridge player.

The interview centred around playing on-line bridge during the current lockdown when all our clubs are closed. Sybil plays and watches on-line. Naturally, the watching involves keeping tabs on Michael playing. Sybil, a member of the Auckland Bridge Club, and a bridge player for at least 60 years, was at pains to point out how easy it is to play on-line bridge. “Just go to the website, register and away you go.”

If you can play on-line at the age of 97, then those of us who are a year or three younger than Sybil can certainly play, or watch as well.

The Cornell family have always been avid card players with bridge coming to the fore in the year after they moved from England to New Zealand in 1958. Nowadays, Sybil plays 3 daytime sessions a week at the Auckland Club.

Sybil Cornell.JPG
    Sybil at the Auckland Bridge Club

Sybil proved to be a great ambassador for the game…and she is fully entitled to mention as she did that her son is a World Bridge Champion.

Great publicity and a neat lady.

Click here to view the interview.


Club captain, Heather Cernis, reports on what has been happening these last few weeks at her club:

"Paihia Bridge Club  may have the smallest membership of the Northland Clubs, but we are a sociable bunch.  Considering the vast majority of us were new to online bridge before lockdown, it is heartening to report that pretty much all of our members are now playing socially online.  

With the help of by some basic “How To” notes (see our website and the support and encouragement of other players, our members are now old hands, happily hosting tables and inviting each other to play on Bridge Base Online.  What a wonderful way for us all to keep in touch.  Such a valuable resource - well done BBO and well done Paihia members for embracing this new normal.

  We have also recommenced our NZ Bridge beginner lessons online.  We are very grateful to NZ Bridge for making it easy to upload the course deals to BBO teaching tables. ..and loving your daily conundra - you’re doing a grand job!"

Thanks, Heather, and the floor is open for all New Zealand clubs to tell what they are doing to occupy their members while there is no live bridge.  Just email me on  or call me on 09 232 8494.

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