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Daily Bridge in New Zealand

Alister in Paradise.

Above is the scene to which those of us who attended a recent Zoom meeting with NZ Bridge Secretary, Alister Stuck, were treated. While we sat in the confines of our homes, Alister was calling us from somewhere much more exotic.

In which “Pacific Paradise” do you think he is spending his “lockdown”?

Seems tough, doesn’t it? Yet, not even in Paradise is everything straightforward and rosy. You still get to play on-line bridge and you still have partners giving you plenty about which to worry. Take this hand for example:

Spade-small 842

Heart-small JT

Diamond-small 974

Club-small K8432

Not too much to worry about there. Alister could well be thinking of a quick dip while the other three “argued” about the final contract. He was West and North opened with the almost standard these days of a “could be short” 1Club-small. However, his services were called upon as his partner emerged with a take-out double and South passed.

Alister’s defence is pretty good most of the time but he did not really think his hand was quite up to it. He could not bring himself to bid 1NT or a 3-card major (and hear partner catapult him to the game level). So, there was only 1 thing for it…   1Diamond-small. Back to the swim.

There were, though, developments, not quite to Alister’s liking:

West              North            East                South


                        1Club-small                   x                      Pass

1Diamond-small                   x                      2Diamond-small                 Pass

Pass 1              x                      Pass                ?

1 after a polite petite pause!

Now, if I tell you that South held 4 diamonds to two honours and was facing a partner with a seriously good opener, then were you in Alister’s shoes, you would be far from happy. Actually, he was far from happy anyway! It’s time to look at all four hands, yesterday’s problem and that raise to 2Diamond-small:

Bridge in NZ.pngnz map.jpg

North Deals
Both Vul
A J 7 5
K 5 3 2
A 10 5
8 4 2
J 10
9 7 4
K 8 4 3 2
W   E
K 6 3
A Q 9 8
Q 8 5 2
7 6
Q 10 9
7 6 4
J 10 6 3
Q J 9
West North East South
  1  Dbl Pass
1  Dbl ?  


There is a bridge convention called “DONT”. That is also the word to be used when you have a poor take-out double and partner bids your 4-card suit at the 1 level. All may not always be what it seems. It is not as though you are really pre-empting the auction that much…and your partner is allowed to bid again if they wish.

So, the clock ticked. 2Diamond-small X should after 2 high trumps and a spade switch…any spade.. be about 1100 (4 down) as long as the defence steers away from hearts. Meanwhile, less action from East-West (or, to be exact, no action) will leave East on lead to 3NT. This contract can make on a heart lead and even a spade lead as long as declarer plays just two rounds of clubs,Diamond-smallAK and then Spade-smallA and another spade..try it…East is end-played.

However, on the lead of either minor suit, declarer may be left a trick short. In theory, declarer can win a diamond lead, give up the spade, win the diamond return, and cash just two clubs and two spades before exiting Diamond-smallJ forcing East to give declarer a red suit trick…. not easy.

Small comfort for Alister as he plays his inglorious 2Diamond-smallx contract. Yet, down on the beach, the sun came out:

Alister smiling.jpg

He is back in his office! What happened? He never left! The wonderful back-drops one can create for oneself for such Zoom meetings. He was in the Pacific Paradise of …Palmerston North! Yet, the sun really came out very strongly because South did not pass, but bid 3Club-small..and there the bidding ended.

Alister's partner turned from villain to hero as that sparking defence to which I referred emerged with the contract down 3 +300 and a very nice score to go with 600 in the other room.

With that result, did anyone ever say that “two wrongs make..." one large pick-up? Double if you must. It is not mandatory. Once you have done so, whether your partner is in a “Pacific Paradise”, Palmerston North or both….use that very wise four letter word beginning with “P”,

P.png  is for PASS

A play hand for tomorrow, as you will not, for now, be sitting on any sunny beach..will you?


South Deals
N-S Vul
5 3 2
A 10
K Q 10 7 6
8 6 2
W   E
A K J 10 9 7 4
6 4
A K 3
West North East South
Pass 2  Pass 3 
Pass 4  All pass  


West leads the Heart-smallQ. Over to you?

Richard Solomon

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