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The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 090

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This week's show includes:


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  • We share a funny with you
  • Have you experienced some hilarious moments whilst at a tournament or session
  • Let us know and if we read it out – we’ll send you something from The Bridge Zone Prize Cupboard

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Our fabulous Judge Julie returns to the show

  • The Judge and Bailiff have been very busy providing Bridge to us Kiwis

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  • Alan Morris confirms a Club Health Check will be sent to all Clubs
  • Testing the waters on how they are faring during the Level 4 lockdown
  • We also pass on some of his points stated in his latest newsletter
  • Please go onto NZB website to read the full version

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We chat about 1NT

  •         Suggestions when doubled, if you double Opps 1NT, interference
  •         And balancing – who, what, when, why and how


Have  a fantastic week 3 of lockdown whanau

Catch you on BBO


Here is the link to enjoy the show


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Our Sponsors
  • Tauranga City Council
  • TECT.jpg