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Note From Allan Morris - Regarding BBO


We are lucky as a sport to have an online capability. For many the sessions being run by the Auckland Bridge Club have kept us sane and allowed us to feed our addiction.

The fields are mixed which can result in some quite swingy results. From time to time the directors are observing questionable bidding which they are doing their best to handle during the course of the session. It is recognised we all, on occasions, do silly things from time to time. That is okay. On the rare occasion we get a good result but more often than not it costs us.

After each session the hands are reviewed and should questionable bidding be observed the party will be asked to explain why they bid accordingly. We are sure that there will be a good reason but if not the matter will be referred to the Board which could result in sanctions.

We are sorry to sound heavy handed but we want to ensure fairness and equity.

We want to ensure the game is played the way it was intended, honestly and ethically.



Allan Morris

Chair NZ Bridge

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