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Club Happenings Around the Country

It is great to continue reporting what are clubs are up to during this "lock-down" period. Today, we start with one which is helping lots of players "get their fix" while their doors are shut.

Auckland Bridge Club

Club President, Anthony Hopkins, rather modestly quotes what the Auckland Bridge Club is doing for its members and the bridge community as a whole:

“The only things we are doing at Auckland Bridge Club are the big Social Distancing Round Robin Teams event and 6 x daily BBO matches for all Kiwis, as well as a 10:30 am Novices teaching playing session started by Julie Atkinson. This is currently limited to Auckland Bridge Club members and a handful of players from Golden Bay.”


The word I would dispute in the above statement is “only”. As so many players around the country know, having both these events put on by the club is just wonderful in the current environment. So many would love to thank Patrick Carter, Julie Atkinson, Sylvester Riddell and others who have given up their time (and bridge playing) to direct and as well the Club Committee itself for enabling Patrick to carry out his role every day. That is far more than the word “only” implies.

Tauranga Bridge Club

Karen Martelletti, a tireless worker for Bridge at Board, Region and Club level, reports on what her Home club has been up to:

We send an email to all members about one a week

We have a welfare group who keep in touch with members, especially those on their own

We are posting tips and news on our website

Various members are supporting each other especially to login in to BBO and play

Lots of teams matches being arranged between club members

The short answer is "plenty". Good to see all members are included with opportunities to play, learn how to play on-line and how to improve their game, too.

New Plymouth Bridge Club

We reported on this club a few days ago. However, in just the last couple of days, The Taranaki Daily News ran a feature which included the following report about the very active bridge club:

"The New Plymouth Bridge Club has also made a change during the lockdown, starting local online competitions three times a week. President, Lyn Muller, said they usually play at the club every day but now that isn't an option, they have started the competitions for members to keep in contact and "keep the brain going".

"People are really enjoying it," Muller said. "We wanted to keep it local so people know who they're playing against." Muller said the club of 300 was like a "little community", so keeping in touch was essential - especially with older members.

And while she admitted not many of the folk around 90 were playing online, they were checking in on them.

The New Plymouth Bridge Club is like a "little community", its president says, so keeping in touch throughout lockdown is important.

As for the members taking part in the competitions, there was the option of writing to each other in a side bar while playing.

"And then you ring your partner after and say 'we could have done that better'."

And while it would have to do for now, Muller was missing the real thing.

"It's still good bridge but it's nothing like chatting to people." "

Good publicity for the local club. Unlike so many sports, bridge does not have to stop just because we are all in our own homes. Also, the emphasis on the social and caring parts of our clubs is really positive. We know that but getting that message out to the wider community through the press can only enhance our sport in the long run.

We will cover some more clubs in a few days' time. Thanks to those who have communicated. Keep the information coming in.


Richard Solomon   09 232 8494     027 245 5418



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