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Watch our Top Internationals on BBO

Our top players want to do what they do so well, playing good competitive bridge. Thus, three of the pairs who put up their hands to play in the New Zealand Open Team this year have organised a series of on-line matches against what is the current Australian Open Team.

The first match was last Thursday and was won by the Kiwis by 41 imps. Each match consists of 2 x 12 board sets. The second match is tonight, Thursday 9th April starting at 8pm as a Vugraph match on Bridge Base OnLine.

So, take the opportunity to watch this match live on BBO. There will be future matches in this series, probably on Thursday evenings but we will keep you posted on the dates and times.

New Zealand Team for Thursday 9th April

Set 1              Peter Newell – Martin Reid                   Nick Jacob- GeO Tislevoll

Set 2              Michael Cornell- Ashley Bach               Nick Jacob – GeO Tislevoll

Australian Team

                      Peter Gill – Sartaj Hans                             Andy Hung – Nabil Edgtton



Take the opportunity. Learn from the best.

Richard Solomon

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