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Volunteer of The Month

  Derek presenting certificate and flowers to Margot. 

Margot Davenport - Victoria Bridge Club.
Club President, Derek Gill has nominated Margot on behalf the Victoria Bridge Club Committee. Over to Derek:

"Margot has been a stalwart of the Victoria Bridge Club and the wider Wellington bridge community including being on the VBC Committee for over ten years, on the committee of Wellington Regional Bridge for 3 years and active in the Wellington Inter-club competition.

 But no discussion of Margot would be complete without mention of food.  Napoleon is reputed to have said that "an army marches on its stomach" in the sense that to be effective an army relies on good and plentiful food.  That is also true of Bridge Tournaments.  Which is where Margot comes in.  Margot has been a stalwart event organiser and coordinator of catering at club, inter-club and regional events. Even now after she has stood down from the committee of Wellington Regional Bridge, Margot is still active as catering coordinator for regional events.. 

Bridge relies on the contribution of lots of people to succeed and yet often their contribution is not recognised. Margot is one of those people who can be found in the kitchen working tirelessly and uncomplainingly to make a Bridge event a success, whether it is a Christmas party, Tournament or Regional Bridge Congress.  

Therefore, the Victoria Bridge Club would like to nominate Margot Davenport as for the award of Volunteer of the Month."

a nomination which has been accepted making Margot a very worthy Volunteer of the Month for February 2020.

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