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The Bridge Zone Show 075

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This week's show includes:

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We talk is there a difference between a Lady or a Woman?


  • Do you suck the pen or pencil?
  • Ladies may wear a skirt yet only a woman would use the skirt to her advantage at the table

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Eddie Kantar – hits the Bridge Zone


  • A new slant on lessons



Weird Antics at the table


  • Are you aware of your fellow Bridge players intricacies?
  • Barry slings his arm over the back of the chair – have you noticed it before!!!


Judge Julie rules

  •         Are Directors horrible
  •         Coffee housing or sledging
  •         Do you dye your hair
  •         Dislocation between your hand and your brain

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Sharing the secret of a song

The A Point Blues – written by John O’Connor

  • Accompanied on guitar by Douglas Russell


Book of the Week

  • Heavenly Contracts  - David Bird

A Points

  • A new challenge 34521 in 2020
  • 33 A points – is that too much to get
  • I need a plan – do listeners have a plan
  • Lets buddy up for a challenge…I’m keen


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  • Tauranga City Council
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