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2019 and all that Monday answers.

So, to the answers of our 5 questions from yesterday. I hope you have enjoyed these not too hard (well, maybe they were!) not too serious questions. We will continue to allocate 10 marks per question. If you have scored close to 200 over the 4 days, then you are really good at bridge trivia and in reading what is on this website. If your score is under 20...well, you just enjoy playing the game. There's nothing wrong in that!

Here goes:

1.Two words connect these two pictures. What or "who" are they?

Russell handsome Wilson.jpg    Bryn 26 Aug 2019.jpg 
We only showed you part of the first picture above yesterday. Now we can reveal all, well at least the 2 word answer which is "Alister Stuck". In case you do not know, Alister is the Secretary of New Zealand Bridge and really does normally have a smile on his face as in the picture above. He is the regular bridge partner of Russell Wilson, the man who must have committed a bridge sin as his hand covered his face above, and the owner of the new unofficial Assistant Secretary of New Zealand Bridge, Bryn. Bryn does not answer the phone but he is always there to give advice if asked. Bryn replaced Lucas whom Alister had to put to sleep because of ill health. So, you have 2 for the price of one now in Palmerston North and 10 marks if you got Alister's name...1 only if you only remembered one of his names!

2. Below,left, is a picture of Christchurch's Sarah Garland and Pavla Fenwick. What prize did Sarah win
at this year's National Open Teams?

Sarah Garland and Pavla Fenwick.png        John Pemberton.jpg 
Sarah would have loved the answer to have been "first place" but that was not the case. However, what she did win was a pair of nice sun glasses from the event's sponsor,Matthews Eyewear Eyecare . We do not have a picture of Sarah with her new glasses but we have one of Golden Bay's John Pemberton who was the other recipient of this neat prize. So, 10 points if you got "sun glasses". (we did feature this in the report on the,'tis a fair question!)

3.What did these two gentlemen (below) achieve in 2019 along with three other male and one female bridge player? Can you name the other 4?

GeO, bridge.jpg   john skipper gold gm.jpg
Above, we have GeO Tislevoll, one of our top Open international players and John Skipper, Board Member, Chairman of our International Committee and no slouch at the table himself. Both became Gold Grand Masters during 2019. The other 4 to achieve this status in 2019 were Martin Reid, Blair Fisher, Moss Wylie and Kathy Yule.
2 points for saying Gold Grand Master and 2 each for naming the other 4.

  1. Whose picture is below (left) and what role does he have with New Zealand Bridge?
    Malcolm Smith.jpg    
       don john and bill.jpg
    Above, we have Hamilton's Malcolm Smith who is the National Chief Recorder as well as being Recorder for the Waikato Bays' region. Our Recorders perform a very important role, dealing with issues which occur at the table which are not in the director's brief. They can act as a sounding block for players who are unhappy about an incident which has occurred and can "record" such incidents in case follow up action may be required. It pays to know who the Recorder in your region is, just in case you have a concern.
    For now, National Recorder will earn you 10 marks.


  1. Which 3 bridge players are cutting a 50th Anniversary Cake in mid 2019? Which club is celebrating being "50 years young" ?
    The Akarana Club celebrated its 50th anniversary during 2019. With the club's emphasis on youth, some of its founder members are still regular players. That is true of one of the three founder members in the picture above, Auckland's Don Hayward in the middle. The other two are very much alive and well but John Evitt (left) does not play much bridge these days while for many years, Bill Haughie, has played his bridge in Queensland. So, 3 marks for each of the players and 1 for Akarana...and take a bonus mark if you identified all three and live in the South Island. Such generosity at this time of the year.
    I hope you have enjoyed the 5 days of questions. If your score is anywhere close to 200, then you have scored very well. Under 100? Well, you need to read this website more often!
    Happy New Year.
    Richard Solomon

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