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2019 and all that. Saturday answers and more questions

Welcome back. Here are the answers to the 5 questions we posed yesterday.

1. Why is James Coutts smiling and who is the other
person in the picture?

Shane Harrison and James Coutts and Ryman rep David Deveith.JPG
Well, wouldn't you be smiling if you had just won the New Zealand Pairs for the second year running? OK, just a small smile if you won it just once! We did not show you the full picture yesterday but we asked for the name of the player on James' right...and that is the young Australian player, Shane Harrison, James' partner this year. 5 points for the reason for his smile ... a bonus point if you said "second year running" and 5 more for naming Shane. (On the right is the Ryman Healthcare representative presenting the trophy.)

2. She did not get the flowers for winning a National Title but
 who is she and which national title did she win
in 2019?

3.  Who are they and why are they cutting the cake?

Ruth Lewis  18.jpg                    Mereanna and Barry and the cake.jpg
The first picture is of Rotorua's Ruth Lewis, one of our Volunteers of the Month for 2019. Ruth was later in the year to receive a trophy and some Babich wine when along with Trish Stephens, she won the Babich Wines New Zealand Wide Pairs...a nice year for Ruth. 5 points for naming Ruth and 5 more for naming the title she won.

-20 marks if you say that it is a wedding cake in the second picture! (You will also need a very good solicitor as both players will surely be sueing you!)

It is, of course, a birthday cake, a first birthday, to celebrate one year of the excellent radio bridge program, the Bridge Zone. The cake was given to its presenters, Mereanna Cullen and Barry Jones, at this year's Spa Town Teams event at Te Aroha.....and a further -10 points if you have never listened to this weekly program. The links to all the shows are on the news section of this website. 3 points for naming each of the presenters and 4 more for naming the reason, the right reason, that is!

4. Who is he and why is he so well dressed to play bridge?

5. What is this player's connection with New Zealand Bridge?

Les Frater.jpg                   Fergus More 2015.jpg 
2 South Island men to identify in our final two questions from yesterday. On the left, we have the very elegantly dressed Christchurch player, Les Frater. You will get 5 marks for identifying him and 5 more for saying he was a Canterbury player in this year's Inter-Provincial Championships and was able to slip off part way through the event to attend his grand daughter's wedding. (well, you get the marks as long as you mention his grand-daughter's wedding. A bonus 5 if you can name his grand-daughter..but you will need to check that answer with Les!)

On the right, we have Invercargill's Fergus More, who is the Honorary Solicitor of New Zealand Bridge. He has had a few more issues to deal with in this role than he may have wished for. As you will know, the Board members do not get paid for all the hard work they contribute to the organisation. Neither does Fergus. So, just occasionally, it is good to remember and appreciate the time that players do give to the game (yes, Fergus plays too.) 10 whole marks if you gave Fergus' title correctly and a bonus couple if you named him.

So, that's yesterday's problems solved. We have 5 more for you:


1. Who are the "owners" of these two cats?

 BiritchCards.jpg      CATAstrophe.jpg 

2. Which card game are these four people playing?
rubber  3.jpg           Sunday Miller 103 in 2019.jpg

3. (right hand picture above). Who is the lady featured in the picture and how old was she when she died during 2019?

4. Who is in the picture below and what role did he play in respect of bridge in New Zealand in 2019?

Stephen Lester.jpg                       
5. Why  are the 7 people below so happy?
Singapore Silver medalists TEAM 19.jpg

The answers will be published on Monday. Can you bear to wait that long!

Richard Solomon



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