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2019 and all that. Friday Answers and more questions

Did you have a go at yesterday's questions? Here, then, are the answers. We are awarding 10 marks for each of the 5 questions with one or two extras or even lesser scores for nearly getting the answers right. How did you fare?

1. Where is this?

congress new room.JPG
10 marks if you said a bedroom at the Distinction Hotel, Hamilton...1 mark if you said a hotel bedroom. Take a bonus mark if you have already made up your mind to go to the 2020 Congress. Note the dates (September 26th to October 3rd) and there will soon be more information on this website. What! You have never been. Time to give it a go for some or all of the week...and not just because you will get a bonus point! Novice, Junior, Intermediate, Open, Platinum or Emerald Grand Master...whatever applies. There's something for you...and you too could soon (well, in a while) be chasing Michael Ware to be top Platinum.

2.  Who is here and why is she standing behind the cards?

 Cynthia  Clayton.jpg
We have here Cynthia Clayton who for several years has been making cards for different occasions, selling them and donating the proceeds to Youth Bridge. She has sold cards at the National Congress, at some clubs and tournaments too. If your club would like to have some on display, let me know and I will put you in touch with Cynthia. Beautiful cards...and a great cause. Thanks, Cynthia.

10 marks if you identified Cynthia and Youth Bridge...5 marks for each half of the answer...and a bonus mark if you have bought at least one card in 2019.

3. Who is he and what is he holding? ( the cutting off of the object is
entirely intentional!)

Grant Jarvis 1st Emerald Grand Master (3).jpg
2 marks if you identified Grant Jarvis and a further 8 if you said he is holding the plaque he was awarded for being the country's first Emerald Grand Master, which makes him second behind Michael Ware in total master-points won. With one tournament left at Papatoetoe being played as you read this, Grant has finished the year with 6279.99 A Points and 2717 B Points, a total of 8996,  not a bad haul. He will be striving for plenty more in the New Year. Would you bet against Grant completing the 9,000 at Papatoetoe?

4. Auckland bridge player, James Yang, features in both of these pictures. He is in the
foreground of the first and on the right of the second. Why does he look so worn out
in the first and so happy in the second?

Epsom marathon 4.JPG      James Yang and Andrew Liu.jpg 
OK, I have cheated just a little. The first picture was taken at a Royle Epsom Bridge Marathon, where players played for up to 24 hours to raise money for a good cause. This was earlier than 2019. James was just a little weary! The second was taken at the Dargaville Open just two months ago where James and Whangarei's Andrew Liu averaged  just under 74% over 2 sessions to win by more than a little bit.They scored 71.48% as a "warm-up" and then 76.08% to round off a fine day. No wonder they look happy. (So does Dargaville's Peter Ball inbetween them!) Can any pair claim a higher percentage score during 2019 to win a 2 + session event?
4 marks for part 1 and 6 for part 2 (3 if you named the occasion and 3 more if you gave the reason). No marks at all if you asked James or Andrew!

5. Nice flowers: nice person. Who is she and why
 are the flowers especially significant? Why is she
holding them?

Lyn Mould Vol of Month (2).jpg
4 marks for identifying Christchurch's Lyn Mould. 3 more for remembering she was one of our Volunteers of the Month this year..hence the significance of the flowers. 3 more for identifying all the hard work Lyn has done in creating the wonderful gardens at the club. Flowers, thus, are especially significant.

So, you scored less than 50? Less than 20? Then, you have not been to our National Congress, bought one of Cynthia's cards or suffered at the table from Grant Jarvis. Let's move on to 5 more questions:

1. Why is James Coutts smiling and who is the other
person in the picture?

Shane Harrison and James Coutts and Ryman rep David Deveith (4).JPG 
She did not get the flowers for winning a National Title but
 who is she and which national title did she win
in 2019?

  Ruth Lewis  18.jpg 

3. Who are they and why are they cutting the cake?

Mereanna and Barry and the cake.jpg  

4. Who is he and why is he so well dressed to play bridge?
Les Frater.jpg 

5. What is this player's connection with New Zealand Bridge? 
Fergus More 2015.jpg

answers will be here on Sunday.See you then.

Richard Solomon

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