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Canterbury News with Max Robb

A Gold Grandmaster for Canterbury.

Recently John Skipper of the Christchurch club attained the status of Gold Grandmaster for our game. He joins the ranks of a select few from this region.

            He started tournament play in 1980 and thinks that his first tournament success was winning the Waimate All Grades. He became a Silver Grandmaster only 9 years ago, which attests to the number of tournaments he has played in since, and to the success he must have enjoyed in those.

            John said that his most pleasing success was as a member of a team that won the New Zealand Teams, a pinnacle to which many tournament players aspire.

            This year John and his wife Jane represented New Zealand in the Asia Pacific Bridge Congress. They have also represented New Zealand twice in the Commonwealth Nations Bridge Congress.

            Over a number of decades, the Skippers have been regular attenders at our own New Zealand National Congress as well as the Gold Coast Congress.

                  You are looking at Gold

           John Skipper  2019 Gold GM.jpg 
               John Skipper

            It is this dedication that brings the Skippers to this high level, but when I asked John if there were other factors, he said that reading books on the game, staying abreast of new developments, and always being critical of systems that they have employed have played an important part too.

            We congratulate John on attaining this prestigious goal.

Team Success in the Region

            In line with the article above I should mention an item of national success. This month a Canterbury Regional team of John Skipper, Jane Skipper, Michael Johnstone and Paula Gregory triumphed in the Senior Teams of the Interprovincial Trials. They started the tourney strongly and never faltered to come out top. How us individuals must envy the long-standing success generated by these two husband and wife teams.

          I have been reliably informed by the regional committee that Jane Skipper has now been a member of the winning team in each of the three disciplines of the I.P.s – the Open, the Women’s , and now the Senior Teams. A great feat.

Timaru Anniversary Pairs  November 1st

From the morning session no pair stood out from the field, with Frances Sheehy and Peter Mountain 58% edging out Paula Gregory and Michael Johnstone. And in the East/West seats, Brad Johnston and Glen Coutts 60% were 3% ahead of Neville Newburn and Bill Mecchia.

            In the afternoon session, Rosemary McLauchlin and Kay Robb won their way with a stellar 67%, followed by Brad and Glenn with 63%, Neville and Bill 61% and Kay and Leslie with 60%. 

1st      Brad Johnston/Glenn Coutts                   123

2nd       Neville Newburn/Bill Mecchia                118

3rd       Kay Nicholas/Leslie Andrew                  117


Canterbury Charity Pairs       December 1st

“Isn’t it nice that quite a few of the club’s grandmasters are playing with new partners today”, Pam Tibble said to me before play started. This sentiment was shared by a few others during the day, and the club members appreciated that Neil Hawkins, Max Morrison, Pavla Fenwick and Mehboob Chiba shared their wealth of experience.

            92 players turned out for the Charity Tournament run to raise funds for Youth Hub, a charity that provides support for disadvantaged youths in our society.

            In the morning only 5 pairs –
Sarah Garland- Pavla Fenwick, Jane Skipper- Jane Lennon, Max Robb- Max Morrison, Theo Smits- Andrew Purves and Caroline Caseley-Mehboob Chiba scored more than 60% but it was the two Maxes who had a 3% edge.

            The afternoon session saw some fresh names among the five pairs -

Leon Meier- Neil Hawkins, Catherine Fitchett- Julia Thomas, Julian and Pamela Glyn, Caroline Caseley- Mehboob Chiba and Max Robb-Max Morrison scoring above 60%. Max and Max scored the highest percentage again.

            The best performances of the day though were those of Caroline Caseley and Leon Meier.

I was wondering if Caroline Casey had just scored her first A points in a pairs event, and on looking up her results I discover she started 2019 with a bang earning 3 A points in January’s Holiday Pairs!

But it was Leon who stole the day. In his first tournament, he collects an A point as a session winner. He now has exactly 1.00 A points – how exciting is that? He only started playing bridge in August this year.

Max Robb and Max Morrison.jpg   Sarah Garland and Pavla Fenwick.png   Caoline Casely and Mehboob Chiba.jpg               
Max Robb and Max Morrison  Sarah Garland and Pavla Fenwick  Mehboob Chiba and Caroline Caseley

                                                                             %                                                                                  %



Max Robb- Max Morrison





Caroline Casely- Mehboob Chiba




Sarah Garland- Pavla Fenwick





Pamela and Julian Glyn



Jan Stupples and Sam Gurney.jpg                    Bernard Chidgey and Judy Parkinson.jpg           Leon Meier    19.jpg                                  Jan Stupples and Sam Gurney                  Bernard Chidgey and Julie Parkinson            Leon Meier



Jan Stupples – Sam Gurney





Bernard Chidgey- Julie Parkinson




David Sewell- Debbie Seddon-Sewell





Maryke Bignault –

John McDonald



Canterbury Regional Competitions



            1st                   David Sewell                        245

            2nd                   John McDonald                  218

            3rd                   Judy Parkinson                    191

David played an impressive 21 tournaments in 2019, mostly with John McDonald but also with his wife Debbie, a Junior.  
Prizes are based on the top 10 scores only, and David was still well clear. Giles Hancock as the Canterbury Regional Chairman was able to present David with the Intermediate trophy at Christchurch’s Charity Tournament.
Giles Hancock and David Sewell.jpg   
Giles Hancock and David Sewell

Junior Championship

            1st                 Karen Walker

            2nd=              Chris Clark

            2nd=              Lin Clark

            In the Junior League there was a 3-way tie on points going into the last tourney.   None of the top three players entered the Charity Pairs - if they had they would have been lone winners of the League.   As it stands, Karen Walker come out jointly on top as she played one more tournament.

The top 10 place-getters in both these Leagues all win free entries to Canterbury tournaments in 2020, which I feel is a very impressive policy to encourage our newer players to participate at a challenging level.




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