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Volunteer of The Month

October 2019 - Ayako Imahashi, Cambridge. 

The Cambridge Bridge Club is one of the most successful in the country. Like all clubs, it relies on help given by its members. Club Secretary, Jenny Oxley explains why one of the club members, Ayako, is so valuable to the club and worthy of nomination here:

  • "Ayako does not need to be asked to do something. She is always two steps ahead of everyone else and usually she has the job completed before anyone else has begun
  • She assists with a huge variety of tasks, including clearing away dishes, putting out the rubbish, setting up the Clubrooms, card dealing, scoring and many other administrative and computer tasks
  • Ayako has recently started directing at club sessions, despite English being her second language, and is exceedingly good at it
  • She is one of our Club's 'go to' members if anyone is unsure how to do something
  • Ayako assists any Club members seeking extra tuition at our Friday morning sessions and has acted as a buddy for new players for many years
  • She makes origami envelopes for our tournament prizes
  • Ayako has a friendly attitude and genuinely welcomes members, new and old, to our Club sessions

 We consider Ayako to be very deserving of this award."

ayako imahashi 1.JPG
       Ayako with certificate and flowers

It was lovely to be present to experience the huge respect club members have for Ayako.Therefore, we have great pleasure in making Ayako New Zealand Bridge's Volunteer of the Month for October. (At the club's request, the presentation was made in early November.)

Richard Solomon



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