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The Bridge Zone Show -069

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This week's show includes:

 Bridge Zone 6 Nov 2019 001.jpg


Mereana’s pick           Vow and Declare

Barry’s pick                Master of Realty

Or is it

Bridge Zone 6 Nov 2019 002.jpg

Learn about how barriers are drawn, hot dog stands, turn of foot, how to pick winners


  • Hamilton Bridge Club hosts the Melbourne Cup Bridge Race
  • Bruce Cresswell joins us as Track Master for the fun event
  • He shares what happened at the Club yesterday
  • Zelda Morris and NZ Wide Pairs results
  • Survival of the fitness – are you a survivor at the table? Barry is still reading that book, Match Point Bridge by HW Kelsey
  • Judge Julie talks about non forcing and forcing bids – what’s alertable?
  • And what do you do if your unhappy with Directors ruling
  • Hi to Australian friends, John Grosvenor from Tasmania and Tim Runting – Gold Coast Congress Convenor


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  • Tauranga City Council
  • TECT.jpg