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The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 060

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 This weeks show includes:



Congress is coming……….

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  • Get your entires in, come to Hamilton, we’ll see you there
  • Email us with your thoughts on your form heading in Congress
  • How do you prepare?
  • Mereana is billeting Leon, a junior player from Christchurch


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  •         Auckland- National Pairs, Napier Teams, Levin Swiss, Ashburton


Hero to Zero

  •         Roller coaster rides – highs and lows happen to everyone


Championship Pairs at Hamilton Club

  •         Table numbers
  •         Length of the competition
  •         We talk about the event – is it losing interest to our members?


Waikato Bays Swiss PairsJunior and Novice Tournament

  •         Great numbers have entered for this Saturday


The Verhaegh Vase

  •         Secret practise prior to Congress for Mereana
  •         Who take the Vase….

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ABF Newsletter

  •         Have a read – we give you some tidbits
  •         They name their Junior Test team to take on NZ at Congress

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  • Online Bridge – does it affect Clubs?
  •         How long do you play online?



  •         General chit chat      



Judge Julie

  •         Some curly questions today
  •          Stuck cards
  •         Confession – if you revoke
  •         Dummy – what’s your job?


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Our Sponsors
  • Tauranga City Council
  • TECT.jpg