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Three New to Gold

We salute three new Gold Grand Masters. That is  at least 4,000 A and B Master- Points of which at least 2,500 must be be A Points. They come from Wellington, Christchurch and Auckland.

Martin Reid   Gold GM 19.jpg    John Skipper  2019 Gold GM.jpg      GeO  Gold GM 19.jpg 
Martin Reid presented his plaque by                       John Skipper                                 GeO Tislevoll with NZ Bridge
 Suzanne Green, Wellington Bridge Club                                                                       Chairman, Allan Morris
 Vice Prsident

Martin Reid has been one of our top Open internationals for many years and has countless national titles to his name. His partnership with Peter Newell goes back close to 30 years. This month, he takes on a new role, that of non-playing captain of our Open Team at the Bermuda Bowl in China. However, we salute him today for his achievements at the bridge table in this country. 

John Skipper has been President of the Christchurch Bridge Club, was a central figure in re-establishing the Club after the major earthquake and is now a member of the Board of New Zealand Bridge. This year, he gained international status by being a playing member of the New Zealand Seniors Team which performed in Singapore so much better than our Seniors have for many years. He is also a very regular tournament player in Christchurch and throughout the South Island as indeed are his wife, Jane, and sons, Daniel and David. His success at the table is acknowledged in the achievement of this award.

GeO Tislevoll is relatively new to the New Zealand Bridge scene coming from Norway in 2008. Since then, he has accumulated over 3,300 A Points and enough B's to become a Gold Grand Master. He is a top bridge teacher and writer and regular member of our Open Bridge Team, in partnership with Michael Ware. They will, of course, be members of the Open Team in China this month.

Congratulations to all three on their golden achievement.

Richard Solomon

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