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Top of The South News with Jenny Pomeroy

Tournaments and lessons are the theme of the last couple of months.  Once again tournaments for everyone – Junior, Intermediate, Interclub, Swiss Pairs, Regional 10A, Charity…..


Starting off with the Nelson Junior Pairs on 13 July.  Twelve tables, for some it would be their last Junior Tournament as they become intermediates and for others their first, when this time last year they were still embroiled in lessons.  It’s a great one to cut your teeth on.  Special mention has to go to novices, Grant Christall and  Sylvan from Richmond who were 6th overall.

 1. Ruth Field and Diana Whitten

 2.Elizabeth Dooley and Jarad Hart

 3. Sandra Smith and Monique Wightman

 4. Mike and Val Fitzsimons 

5. Helen and Michael Doherty

A couple of weeks later Motueka hosted the Regional 10A in Riwaka.  They put on a great weekend.  Carefully choreographed so that it was easy for the travellers.  Once again it was great to see some Juniors not only participating but scoring well above their ranking.  It was a tough field

 1. Tony Oberdries and Maurince Carter

 2.Sue Rosevear   and  John Fechney

 3. Ant Hopkins     and  Gary Foidl

 4. Wayne Smith   and  Adrian Abraham

 5. Carol and  Roger Minchin


Marlborough hosted its annual Zonta Pairs on 3rd August, with Elva Adams and Carolyn Wood taking out the top slot, Robin Young and Howard Sadd 2nd and Jennifer Cunningham and Reg Nichol 3rd.  It has been a good run for Carolyn and Robin who set up camp on table 1 and stayed there for the duration of the Hello World Swiss Pairs in Richmond on 10th August, holding on to the title from 2018:

                      Spades                                                          Hearts


Carolyn Wood and Robin Young



Ginny Warren and Graham Westenra



Pam Dravitzki and Sheila Beggs



Alice Lovell and Diane Groom



Jana Bott and Ray Cannell



Jenny Pomeroy and Jenny Cooper


 Carolyn Wood  Robin Young 19.jpg    Jana Bott   Ray Cannell 19.jpg  Ginny Warren    Graham Westenra  19.jpg  
Carolyn Wood and Robin Young       Jana Bott and Ray Cannell         Ginny Warren and Graham Westenra

Helen Robinson and Elizabeth Dooley.jpg      Lori Godden and Beth Burdett 19.jpg    Helen Barker and John Mitchell  19.jpg
Helen Robinson and Elizabeth Dooley     Lori Godden and Beth Burdett                Helen Barker and John Mitchell

                      Diamonds                                                    Clubs


Helen Robinson and Elizabeth Dooley



Cliff and Helen Jones



Lori Godden and Beth Burdett



Val and Mike Fitzsimons



Helen Barker and John Mitchell



Sue Glue and Michelle Gunn


 Cliff and Helen Jones 19.jpg       Val and Mike Fitzsimons 19.jpg   Sue Glue and Michelle Gunn 19.jpg 
  Cliff and Helen Jones                    Val and Mike Fitzsimons             Sue Glue and Michelle Gunn

And finally last weekend Nelson hosted a full on weekend for our Junior and Intermediates; both days calmly directed by Sheila Beggs and scored by Steve Gray.   Saturday was the Call a Geek Nelson Intermediate with 15 tables.   Some great results particularly among the Hearts Grade with the established partnership “The Glue Gunns” coming 3rd overall and the very new partnership of Evelyn Muncaster and John Dow 5th.

Jenny Pomeroy and Kathy Dowling 19.jpg    Chris Henry and Ann Baker.jpg  Elva Adams and Barbara Wilson.jpg
Jenny Pomeroy, Nelson President     Chris Henry and Ann Baker  Elva Adams and Barbara Wilson
Susan Hinkley and Kathy Dowling

                     Spades                                                               Hearts


Jenny Pomeroy and Kathy Dowling



Sue Glue and Michelle Gunn



Chris Henry and Ann Baker



Evelyn Muncaster and John Dow



Elva Adams and Barbara Wilson



Diana Whitten and Brian Field


 Evelyn Muncaster and John Gow.jpg   Diana Whitten and Brian Field.jpg   Kay Cotton and Joan Heaphy 19.jpg
 Evelyn Muncaster and John Dow  Diana Whitten and Brian Field     Kay Cotton and Joan Heaphy (4th in the
                                                                                                            Hearts grade) on either side of Susan Hinkley
                                                                                                             Nelson President)

Sunday was the Intermediate and Junior Interclub Tournament, now in its 4th year and a popular addition to our calendar.  Juniors played Juniors, Intermediates played intermediates and the beautiful trophy donated by Keith Harrop is awarded on the combined score.  Consistency is the order of the day, and this year the title and trophy heads “over the hill” to Golden Bay, with Marlborough 2nd and Westport 3rd.

                                                 The Winning Golden Bay Team

Golden Bay Team 19.jpeg

Deirdre Perreau, Eleanor Bradshaw, Michelle Gunn,  Jean Beatson, Lorna Scurr, Sue Glue,
John Pemberton and Jean Wedderburn

 Bridge Teaching

Beginner lessons have just about reached completion throughout the region with learners either embarking on a few social / refresher sessions before they hit the club nights or they are already underway.  A huge thanks must go to our teachers Ann Blackie, Bet Glengarry, Helen Robinson, Tony Hinkley, Leigh Gamby and others plus their army of helpers for their commitment and inspiring new players to the game and introducing new members to our clubs.  Improving player lessons have also been underway with Lindsey Guy running a long series twice weekly in Richmond Bridge Club.  Lindsey, Helen, Ann and Leigh all attended the Teachers’ Conference in Wellington last weekend and have returned with more ideas and more enthusiasm.

Other News

 Rubber Bridge rounds have been completed and Westport’s Ray Curnow and Phil Rutherford will be heading up to Hamilton to compete in the National Rubber Bridge finals.

 Nelson Club has finished its redecoration and the quilts and the art work back on the wall look fantastic. 

Several players headed to Noosa with House of Cards for a bit of winter sun, some great bridge and good company. 

Golden Bay had their AGM and Simon Langford stays on as President with Lori Godden stepping up to the secretary’s role.  And Nelson is getting ready for its inaugural Mad Hatters Bridge Party this coming Sunday.

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