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Volunteer of The Month


   Sharon Thompson - Richmond

    Sharon has been nominated by the Richmond Club Committee. The following tribute comes fromClub Secretary, Diane Groom:


 "Sharon certainly deserves recognition for her work within the Richmond Contract Bridge Club. Sharon tackled the job of understanding the bridge pads and mastered their operation. She was the ‘go-to’ person for all club members’ enquiries on club playing days and saved us from cursing and throwing them out the window.

Sharon Thompson  August 2019 .JPG 
                     Sharon with Diane Groom


Sharon has also been one of our conveners for many years, endeavouring to get as many ‘pairs’ to the table as possible. She is also the ‘behind the scenes, unseen’ type volunteer who empties the rubbish bins, tidies the tables, collects the pads and table numbers. She has never been formally recognised as one of our major volunteers but has over the years been part of the dealing team, assisted with scoring and made herself useful in many other ways. We are very fortunate to have Sharon in our club."


We are sure every club has people like Sharon who are always there to help. It is very appropriate that we can acknowledge such a person as Sharon as the Volunteer of the Month for August 2019.


Richard Solomon




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