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The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 057

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Today’s show includes:


Cambridge Sixes - Tarakiwi take out the event


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  • More Km’s to A’s for Russell Wilson travelled to the Cambridge Sixes
  • Angels take out the costume prize
  • Taradale 5A
  • Hokowhitu 3A
  • Richmond 5A Swiss Pairs
  • Another milestone for Central Districts
  • Jan Whyte has a great weekend of Bridge
  • A new Silver Grand Master hits Central

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Zar Points – the theories of opening continue

Pearson Points or Rules

Rule of 20     

Rule of 18


  • Emails anyone – give us something to argue about or investigate
  • Akarana Tournament coming up, August 24th
  • Celebrating their 50th Anniversary


  • Barry has a bucket of tips today

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  • Some are good, some are weird and lengthy, some are just saying bid
  • Pleasantries at the table and leading singletons
  • Who plays drop dead, Do you?
  • 4th suit forcing – are you asking for a hold?– double perhaps – I’m just asking for more information


Judge Julie

  • Unintended bid or a mistake
  • Movements and seeding
  •  Directors Hotline shared

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This weekend’s events

  • NB Bridge Teaching Seminar
  • CB Fullerton Teams


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  • Tauranga City Council
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