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Lots of Laughs, Bridge and Pizzas in Auckland

There was an excellent atmosphere on the last Sunday of morning of July as 34 students took part in a Schools’ Pairs event at the Auckland Bridge Club. We had players from Macleans College, Auckland Grammar, Bucklands Beach Intermediate, Remuera Intermediate and Bruce McLaren Intermediate (a first time at a bridge tournament from any students from that school).

A 2-and-a-half-hour session of bridge was played followed by pizzas and chips for lunch with the following being the top scores:

                 North-South                                                                                    East-West

                                                                  %                                                                                                   %

  1. Tony Ren – Donny Weng             67.12                                    1. Denny Woo – Eric Lin                    63.74
  2. Ian Chou – Michael Li                  62.27                                    2. Victor Li – Ian Hsu                         60.20
  3. Liya Lai – Kevin Hu                      61.86                                    3. Alan Xu – Avery O’Callahan          59.11 

    Tony Ren   Donny Weng.jpg                                                   Eric Lin  Denny Woo.jpg
    Slam bidders and 1st North/South                                               1st East-West 
      Tony Ren and Donny Weng                                                        Eric Lin and Denny Woo

Special thanks to Paul Coleman and his wife Cherie who directed and scored the event. Paul is the newly appointed Auckland Youth Co-ordinator with a strong interest in getting more young Aucklanders involved in the game. Also, thanks to all those involved in taking bridge into the schools, whether they be teaching staff or outside volunteers.

This was a nice event of which to be a part.

chocolate prizes.jpg            Alan Xu and Avery O'Callahan.jpg           Harrison Coates   James Harnett.jpg         
  the prize table!                          3rd placed Alan Xu and Avery O'Callahan    Harrison Coates and James Harnett
                                                                                                                          one of two pairs who collected prizes
                                                                                                                          for a near 50% score

They played 16 boards. This one is a perfect text book example for an ace-ask sequence.

North Deals
N-S Vul
K 10 6 4 3
A K Q 9 3 2
A Q 10 7 6
8 7 5
8 6 5 4 3
W   E
J 9
K J 9 8 5
10 6 4
K 9 2
A Q 8 7 5 2
4 2
A Q J 7
West North East South
  1  Pass 1 
Pass 4 NT Pass 5 
Pass 6  All pass  


Once South calls 1Spade-small, North should just check on aces. If South has one, North will stop in 5Spade-small. With 2, North bids 6Spade-small as above while if South has all 3, then North can bid 7Spade-small.

(New Zealand Bridge does not recommend the use of 4Club-small Gerber when one is in a suit contract. What a shame here as otherwise, we could check with 4Club-small and sign off at a safe level..4Spade-small.. when partner very inconveniently has zero aces.)

Those of you who might point out that North would be concerned about the Spade-smallQ and whether South holds it are quite correct. We will save Roman Key Card Blackwood (or Gerber!) for another day.

Tony Ren and Donny Weng were the only pair to bid to slam on this occasion.

             A Morning of Discovery

Paul Coleman  Ezekiel and Jeremiah.jpg

 Paul Coleman shares how the scoring works with two of the newer bridge
 players, Ezekiel and Jeremiah.

Richard Solomon


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