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Volunteer of The Month

Ron and Sandra Cooper - Orewa.

This month we have a joint nomination, a husband and wife partnership who have served their club in different ways for many years.

For 12 years Ron has been a committee member and served for 7 of those years as club secretary. He has a ready smile, a wicked sense of humour and is well known for his penchant for wearing outrageous socks! For much of this time, Ron has also produced the club’s News Letter.

Ron is the “go to” man when little problems arise, having compiled a comprehensive manual, detailing all matters pertaining to the smooth running of the club, including precedents for all important documents (letterheads, invoicing, etiquette, etc.). If there were little chores to be attended to, he would always offer.

Orewa 1.JPG 
  Ron (left) and Sandra with Orewa President,
   Gil Jury

Meanwhile, Sandra has likewise given many years of service to the club and the committee, but it is for her technical expertise that we believe makes her particularly worthy. She has recently been responsible for liaising with suppliers and installing our web site and scoring systems. It is universally recognised that no-one else in the club would have been as competent to complete such a task so willingly and spending many hours becoming familiar with the systems and training others in its use.

"Two for one" is what you get when you have a bridge-playing husband and wife at a club. When they both contribute in the way Sandra and Ron have, their club is indeed doubly lucky. Thanks to the Orewa Club Committee for the nominations. 


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