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The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 054

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 This weeks show includes:


Judge Julie Rules

  • Alerts at the 4 level
  • Time @ the table

The Bridge Zone Show 24 July 2019 001.jpg

Tip of the week

Signals – say it loud


Auckland Region Pairs

  •         Winners - Yuzhong Chen and James Yang

Auckland Regional Teams

  •         A Disney character shows up at the event
  •         Winners - Snow White, Jenny Millington, Patrick Carter and Russell Wilson

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Russell Wilson joins us as our guest this week

  •         K’s to A’s ratio
  •         He works it out for us and shares how and why he learnt Bridge
  •         You will be amazed and he also issues a challenge to anyone else out there
  •         Moss Wylie and Wayne Smith, could you share your K’s to ABC’s

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Our Sponsors
  • Tauranga City Council
  • TECT.jpg