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National Congress News July 2019

        TIME TO ACT !


It’s three months to go before we draw those cards in Hamilton. So, it must be time to start doing a little planning if you have not already done so….

Who is sitting opposite you…and who are your teammates?

If you would like to play in an event at the National Congress and are having trouble finding the right partner and or teammates, then fill out the details on the Congress website and we will do our best to find you the right person/teammates. There’s no guarantee that we will find you a National event winner (though our successful matching in 2018 included the two pairs who joined to win the New Zealand Teams…so, there is always hope!) but we will get you sitting down to play the event(s) you wish to play. Just press the following link:

Do you know where you are staying?

There’s nowhere better, more convenient than the Distinction Hotel itself. You need to fill out the on-line form putting down the details of length of stay, type of room etc. Use the following to get started… 

Please note that the cheaper 600 wing has filled up fast. There are no rooms available in this wing on the Wednesday, Thursday and (second) Friday nights and very few rooms from the first Friday through to the Tuesday nights. So, you may well now be looking at the refurbished rooms in the 100-500 wings. Come on, treat yourself. It’s so nice to be sleeping and playing at the same venue.

Entering and Paying for Events.

As per previous years, these are two separate functions. You need to enter each event even if you pay for the full Congress or just one event. You can enter or pay first, whichever you choose.

The only events you must enter in advance of Congress are the Ryman Healthcare New Zealand Open and Restricted Open Pairs. The link to enter these or indeed any event can be found through

For payment go to: 

The full Congress package is a little cheaper if you pay before 1st September. There are also discounts for those coming from a South Island destination.

The Congress is not just about the Major Events.

Certainly, the major New Zealand titles are decided during the week but there are three days of events for Intermediate and Junior players with, for the first time. A New Zealand Junior Pairs, a two- session event on the second Friday.

The number of Restricted Open events has increased to three with the introduction of the Hamilton City Restricted Open Teams, a two- day event on the Tuesday and Wednesday.  

The Novice Pairs takes place on the Sunday afternoon for those brand new to the game.

There should now be posters advertising the Intermediate and Junior events, the Restricted Open Events and the Novice Pairs at your club. More information about all the events can be found on the New Zealand Bridge website, Congress section….see the link above.

Mary B  Pam Tibble T Downward Sarah G.JPG
 Winners of the Cormack Cup for the top finishing all Women team in New Zealand Teams,
 Mary Buckland, Sarah Garland, Pam Tibble and Trish Downward

Weekend Package

A special package now exists to cover play during both weekends for only 180.00 per player. You can play for 4 days (Pairs on the first Saturday, Sunday, even Monday if you want and Swiss Pairs events on the second Friday evening and Saturday). This is aimed at those who have to work during the Congress.

Marie Milsum and Alison Beer Open Swiss Pairs 2018.JPG
  One of the two pairs who won the Open Swiss Pairs in 2018, Marie Milsum and Alison Beer


It is wonderful to be able to announce that our list of sponsors is once more to be led by Hamilton City Council, our Platinum sponsor, and as Gold Sponsors Ryman Healthcare and JLT Insurance. We are sure you will see them well represented during the Congress and will benefit from their presence.

So, plenty of food for thought…. And the time for action is here, now.

If you have any queries, please contact me on 09 2328494  or 



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