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Top of The South News with Jenny Pomeroy

Tournaments are all go since the last update.  Something for everyone with Open, intermediate, Juniors, All Grades, charity, IPs…..

We kicked off with the Motueka Intermediate on 4 May.  Fourteen tables with eight clubs in the region represented.  Families triumphed in the diamond grade!

             Spades                                                                Hearts


Jenny Pomeroy & Celia McKechnie



Ann Blackie & John Pemberton


Vicki Adnams & Mary Hamilton



Janet Howell & Karen Logan


Ann Baker & Viv Murray




Joan Heaphy & Kay Cotton


 Jenny p Celia McCechnie.JPG    Vicky Adnams  Mary Hamilton.JPG       Ann Baker Viv Murray.JPG
    Jenny Pomeroy and Celia Mckechnie       Vicki Adnams and Mary Hamilton   Ann Baker and Viv Murray

 Ann Blackie and John Pemberton G Bay.jpg         Janet Howell Karen Logan.JPG     Joan Heapy Kay Cotton.JPG 
Ann Blackie and John Pemberton     Janet Howell and Karen Logan   Joan Heaphy and Kay Cotton
  (2nd overall)




Malcolm Macleod & Katrina Mataric


Michael & Helen Doherty


Bevan & Anne Bruce

 Malcolm Macleod  Katrina Mataric.JPG      Michael Helen Doherty.JPG       Bevan  Ann Bruce.JPG
     Father and daughter Michael         Michael and Helen Doherty                          Bevan and Anne Bruce
    McLeod and Katrina Mataric


Inter Provincial Trials

IP trials were the next weekend in Picton.  Great turn out, especially in the intermediates with the following being selected to represent our region:


Adrian Abraham & Wayne Smith, Rebecca Osborne & Jana Bott


Maurice Carter & Jim Jessep, Steve Gray & Lindsey Guy


Sheila Beggs & Pam Dravitzki, Sita Monaghan & Sally Moore


Kerry Roberts & Gill Webby, Ann Baker & Kathy Dowling

and then off to Kaikoura on 18th May.  25.5 tables, fabulous raffle, delicious soup and lots of crayfish.  What’s not to love?     

               Spades                                                                Hearts


Peter & Elena Udy



Madge Baker & Joan Hazelhurst


Reg Nichol & Jennifer Cunningham



Teri Sonal & Charmaine Hanbury- Webber


Jenny & Peter Story,



Annette Bury & Alison Graham


Charmaine Hanbury Webber and Teri Sonal.jpg                Peter Story Pam Whitehead Jenny Story.jpg 
Charmaine Hanbury-Webber and Teri Sonal           Peter and Jenny Story surrounding Pam Whitehead

Diamonds                                                                     Clubs


Raylene Hunter & Colleen Adams



Bev Johnson & Mary Banks


Neil Burrell & Christine Holdaway



Rosemary Smart & Robyn Denley


Lorraine Cusdin & Robyn Findlay



Jeanette Barton & Diane Horton



Karen Martelletti and Kate Terry held a training session on count the following morning.  It was well attended, enthusiastic, highly enjoyable and lots learned.   Thanks for making the journey.

Richmond held its annual St John Charity Tournament on 26th May, where the cadets from the local Richmond youth branch prepare, serve (and clear up!) afternoon tea, while members sit back and enjoy their afternoon of bridge.  All money raised goes to the cadets, which they put towards their travel costs to their regional competitions.  N/S winners were Jenny Vaile and Lyn Carrodus, E/W Ron and Shirley Burt, but the real winners were St John Youth whose efforts raised them $700.  Good luck in your regional competition, kids.

Nelson 5A on 8th June.  21 tables, directed by Julie Atkinson.  Again great catering, a star raffle table and the newly decorated club rooms looking bright and fresh.

Spades                                                                       Hearts


Phil Rutherford & Ray Curnow



Graham Westenra & Ginny Warren


Chris Marshall & Tony Oberdries



Glenys Tyler & Wendy Coburn


Ruth Allison & Sita Monaghan



Kathy Dowling & Ann Baker

 Ray Curnow and Phil Rutherford.jpg   Tony Oberdries Chris Marshall.jpg   Jenny Warren  Graham Westenra.jpg 
   Ray Curnow and Phil Rutherford               Tony Oberdries and Chris Marshall           Ginny Warren and Graham Westenra
                                                                                                                                         (2nd overall)



Mary McCallum & Ann Cegarra


Tom Pyatt & Peter Bone



June Tippett & Mary Fraher

 Ann Cegara and Mary McCallum.jpg     Peter Bone and TomPyatt 19.jpg   June Tippett.jpg 
 Ann Ceggarra and Mary McCallum     Peter Bone and Tom Pyatt                     June Tippett and Mary Frahar
  (6th overall)
(all the above pictures with Nelson President Jana Bott)

Marlborough Intermediate and Junior Pairs

11 tables of Intermediates, 9 of Juniors under the directorship of Bev Gay.  Intermediates Kathy Dowling and John Clarke were pretty much unstoppable after their morning session scoring 72.47%; 14.64% ahead of second placed Viv Murray and Kerry Roberts. They held onto this lead winning the afternoon session and tournament 10% ahead of 2nd placed Celia Mckechnie and Jenny Pomeroy (57.2%).  Ann Baker and Chris Henry were 3rd with 57.18%.

The Junior tournament, a first for many players, ran along side.  Hans Van Berlo and Don Elley were overall winners, Diane Horton and Shirley Culley 2nd overall and winners of the Hearts section, and Ruth Field and Diana Whitten 2nd in spades and 3rd overall.

NBS Richmond

And our most recent tournament in this busy run was the Richmond NBS 5A on 22nd June.  18 tables under the directorship of Ed Roggeveen.

Spades                                                                             Hearts


Tony Oberdries & Adrian Abraham



Steve Aitken and David Laing


Pam Dravitzki and Sheila Beggs



Glenys Tyler & Wendy Coburn


Bev Gay and Mary Pennington



Beth Burdett & Jude Edmonson

Tony Oberdries  Adrian Abraham.jpg              Bev Gay and Mary Penington.jpg 
  Tony Oberdries and Adrian Abraham     Bev Gay and Mary Penington


Steve Aitkin and David Laing.jpg    Glenys Tyler and Wendy Coburn.jpg   Beth Burdett Jude Edmonson.jpg 
Steve Aitken and David Laing      Glenys Tyler and Wendy Coburn   Beth Burdett with club President, Vicki Russell



Ann Cegarra & Mary McCallum


Peter Grooby & David Cook


Helen and Cliff Jones

Ann Cegarra Mary McCallum.jpg   Peter Grooby.jpg  Helen and Cliff Jones.jpg 
 Ann Cegarra and Mary McCallum              Peter Grooby (missing David Cook)          Helen and Cliff Jones

(along with club President, Vicki Russell)

Nelson Building Society also sponsor local awards for the highest placed Richmond club members.  These were won by Sheila Beggs and Pam Dravitzki in the Open section and Jenny Vaile and Lyn Carrodus in the Junior.

All clubs would like to thank their committees, tournament committees, members, sponsors, directors and players for making these tournaments such a success.  They don’t just happen.

Other News

In other news, lessons are well underway across the region with a great turn out.  Teenagers and younger (!) learning in Nelson and Westport.  Richmond are doing theirs through the ACE programme at Waimea College. Nelson has at least 5 tables and an army of helpers. Golden Bay has 8 learning under the tutelage of Ann Blackie.  All clubs are looking forward to welcoming these new recruits into their regular sessions.  Jackie Gardiner from Marlborough club is hosting regular sessions with up to four tables at the Springlands retirement village in Blenheim – the Micky Mouse Bridge Club. 

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