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Canterbury News with Max Robb

Mid Canterbury Pairs 8B             April 27th.

The morning winners of the 2 sections were Joan Small/Liz Armstrong 67% in the Howell, and Kathryn Tennant/Hayden Seal 57% were outscored by a nice result from the Geraldine pair John Kelly/Dennis Johnston 62%.

              In the afternoon it was Sarah Garland/Neal Phillips who topped the Howell with 66%. In the larger section Eamon Jackson/ Darcy Preston58% and Sue Rosevear/John Fechney 63% won the honours.

              1st          Sarah Garland/Neal Phillips                                                     121.3

              2nd         Joan Small /Liz Armstrong                                                       120.1

              3rd          Sue Rosevear/John Fechney                                                  116.99

              4th          John Kelly/Dennis Johnston                                                    116.96

Akaroa All Grades 8B     May 4

              Max Robb and Brian Goulter were clear leaders in the morning with 64%. However, it was the consistency of Sharon Jackson and Eamon Jackson that won the day – congratulations to them.  The Akaroa Club were represented in the top group of results by Judy Thacker  and Jan Harris. Judy has been an Akaroa tournament winner twice before.

              1st          Sharon Jackson and Eamon Jackson                                                                   60.1      

              2nd         Pauline Andrews and Janet Barnard (down from Auckland)                                59.9

              3rd          Max Robb and Brian Goulter                                                                                59.6

              4th          Judy Thacker and Jan Harris                                                                                57.7

Christchurch Bridge Club Open and Junior Teams

              This event is held to promote interaction between players from the different divisions in the club. Five rounds of 10 boards were played

              1st          Jane Lennon/Kathryn Tennant  and    Gillian O’Hara/Jane Walders

              2nd         Kevin Petrie/Patricia Wilson      and    Tessa Holland/Janine Tyler

Canterbury Interprovincial Trials         May 11th

              The Canterbury Regional Committee has a delicate balancing act to perform when it decides where various tournaments are to be played. They were brave to decide that the trials would be held in Timaru this year. I heard quite a few grumblings before the event, but the reality is that if you want to represent your region then you have to show up at the venue chosen. It should be noted that almost every year some pair(s) from South Canterbury end up in the provincial team, and this was the case this year as well

Open Section

              1st          Jenny Wilkinson/Shirley Newton                                                           166

              2nd         David Mikaera/Les Frater                                                                      157

              3rd          Tim Schumacher/David Skipper                                                           152

              4th          John Skipper/Jane Skipper                                                                   147

              5th          Michael Johnston/Paula Gregory                                                          133


Intermediate Section

              1st          Catherine Preen/Annemarie Pavletich                                                 116

              2nd         Jenny Shore/Liz Duke                                                                         107

              3rd          Margaret Fraser/Helen Bremner                                                           95

              4th          Tony Quinlivan/Stuart Grant                                                                  94

              5th          Madge Baker/Jan Lenton                                                                      90


Congratulations to the Canterbury Team :

Open : Jenny Wilkinson & Shirley Newton ; David Mikaera & Les Frater

Women : Kay Nicholas & Lesley Andrew ; Pam Tibble & Margaret Burgess

Senior : Jane & John Skipper ; Paula Gregory & Michael Johnstone

Intermediate : Cath Preen & Annemarie Pavletich ; Liz Duke & Jenny Shore

Scholarships            Based on their results from the previous round of Intermediate tournaments, the Canterbury Regional Committee were pleased to award sponsorships of $300 each to the following Intermediate players to attend National Congress in October 2019 :

Jean Rath                   Terri McFedries                       Tracey Bruce

Volunteer of the Month. It was so nice that Richard Solomon was able to present the volunteer of the month award when he graced the Christchurch Club’s tournament near the end of May. Here is a photo of him with the winner Lyn Mould who has contributed over ten years to organising and developing the club’s gardens before and since the Christchurch earthquakes and the club’s rebuild.

Lyn Mould and Richard.jpg
  Richard and Lyn

Recently on a club night Lyn arrived at our table with a relatively new bridge partner,Simon Lawrence. Simon has already established himself as a bit of a character, but we learnt that night another aspect of his life that none at the table will easily forget!

              On the first board Lyn opens 2Diamond-small and upon inquiry Simon gives a nonsensical answer that creates the first room- wide guffaw. Then Simon discovers that these two boards are the last of the night. As he was about to be “dummy”, he asks Lyn if she would like a drink, which she replies in the affirmative. “What would you like?” asks Simon. “Oh whatever you’re having” replies Lyn brightly. When Simon returns with the drinks, I observe that there is a slice of lemon in each. Lyn finishes playing the hand, and takes a sip. With a mild grimace Lyn splutters:

“This tastes like water!”

“Yes, they’re both water”            The four of us erupt in laughter.

And then I remembered that Simon never imbibes, so the two drinks on the table would not be gin and tonic!

Thanks, Veronica

Veronica Rozier.jpg
Veronica Rozier 

Recently, Veronica retired from directing at the Christchurch Bridge Club. She has directed all over the South Island and at every club in Christchurch, especially Mt Pleasant and the Christchurch Bridge Club where she has directed for 26 years. She says she has loved directing but now feels she would like to play more Bridge herself. She is pictured with the small token she received from the Club, a thank you for a job very well done.

Christchurch Mini Congress May 25/26

Open teams

It was the fourth round clash between the Alabaster team and the Skipper team that actually decided the eventual winner. However a 20-0 victory in the last round put the top team well out in front.

1st          Jan Alabaster/Chris Wooles            and    Tim Schumacher/Pavla Fenwick                             86

2nd         John Skipper/Alan Grant                  and    David Skipper/Brad Johnston                                62

3nd         Jemmy Wilkinson/Shirley Newton and    Jane Skipper/Jane Lennon                                       61

4th          Sarah Garland/Neil Phillips              and    Richard Lapthorne/Neil Hawkins                           58

Intermediate Teams

The Baker team were leading this event but it was their round 3 match with the Caseley team that decided the first 4 places

1st          Caroline Caseley/Sam Gurney       and     Amber Newton/Jo Sharp                                      72

2nd         Jean Rath/Mike Bunce                     and     Carol Singh/Shirley Lattimore                            68

3rd          Rex Green/Ian Beattie                     and     Linda Hicks/Gail Hicks                                       54

4th          Madge Baker/Margaret Frazer       and    Joan Hazelhurst/Margaret McPherson                53


Open Pairs

In the morning Fiona Temple/John Kruiniger 67% and Alan Grant/John Skipper 65% gained a clear lead over Richard Lapthorne/Neil Hawkins 60% and Jane Lennon/Jane Skipper 58% and Richard Solomon/Jane Small 58%

The afternoon session saw Max Robb/Max Morrison head the field with 63%However, it was Alan Grant and John Skipper who did just enough to head off the morning leaders Fiona Temple and John Kruiniger , and the more consistent pairs of Jane/Jane and Joan/Richard:

              1st          Alan Grant/John Skipper              58.49%

              2nd         Fiona Temple/John Kruiniger       58.38%

              3rd          Jane Lennon/Jane Skipper         56.21%

              4th          Joan Small/Richard Solomon      56.06%

John Skipper Alan Grant.jpg                         john kruiniger fiona temple.jpg 
   John Skipper and Alan Grant                                             John Kruiniger and Fiona Temple  

Intermediate Pairs

              The surprise of the day must surely have belonged to Chris and Lin Clarke. In the morning they scored 43% and based on this they left for home as soon as play ended. Imagine their surprise to learn by phone that they had scored 69% in the afternoon to clear the field by 3%! It goes to show that no pair should discount their chances after a poor first session!

              1st          Chris Clark/Lin Clarke                   111%

              2nd         Giles Hancock/Jill Lockett            109 %

Junior Pairs

1st                     Nancy Buxton/Hedley Bamford     105 %

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Gill Lockhart, Richard Solomon and Giles Hancock                       Nancy Buxton and Hedley Bamford 

Temuka All Grades Pairs 8B    8th June

              In the morning session Dennis Johnston and John Kelly were the standout pair with a smidgin under 70%, and the top percentage of the day. Mary Buckland/Sonia Gill 64% and Sue Rosevear/John Fechney 59% were two other pairs that were more than 3% clear of the field.

              But we had a change of leaders in the afternoon when Sue and John scored 69%, to move past Dennis and John. Judy Parkinson and Bernard Chidgey were the only other pair to score over 60% and this propelled them into collecting a prize


1st          Sue Rosevear/John Fechney                                    64.1

2nd         Dennis Johnston/John Kelly                                     63.7

3rd          Mary Buckland/Sonia Gill                                         60.6

4th          Anne-Marie Pavletich/Cath Preen                          56.4

5th          Judy Parkinson/Bernard Chidgey                            56.1

                             Section 2

1st          Jan Mitchell/Carole Agnew                                       52.0

2nd         Phyl Hyndman/Sue Geddes                                     51.4

                             Section 3

1st          Anne-Marie Pavletich/Cath Preen                            56.4 (an impressive day’s work)

2nd         Mary Thatcher/Julie Kelly                                         47.1

                             Section 4

1st          Penny Farmer/Leslie Graybill                                   48.5  ( a respectable average)

2nd         Caren Hampton/Mark Hyde                                     46.8

Sue Rosevear John Fechney  Diane Esler  Robyn Howie.jpg       Denis Johnston  John Kelly.jpg      jan mitchell  carol agnew.jpg
Sue Rosevear, John Fechney, Diane Esler     Dennis Johnston and John Kelly       Jan Mitchell and Carol Agnew
(director) and Robyn Howie (tournament

Christchurch Club  Julian Cup

              This event has been played for more than 50 years and is as popular as ever with 26 tables competing this year. Each pair can only comprise 1 senior ranked player. The club had to canvas for several more players to match up with Juniors. I think it is a great promotion of the game.

              The pair with the top percentage for a round [65%], was Brian McAuslan with his mother Val McAuslan. Congratulations go to them for

1st          Gillian O’Hara and David Skipper

2nd         Nicki Bellew and Max Robb

3rd          Kathleen Anderson and Richard Lapthorne

4th          Rosa-Jane Whitcombe and Helen Rutledge

5th          Brian McAuslan and Val McAuslan

It is worth noting that this is the second time in this period that Gillian O’Hara has scored a first, and David was pleased to say that he is now the fourth member of the Skipper family to have won the cup!
Gillian O'Hara   David Skipper.jpg                        Max Robb.jpg
  Gillian O'Hara and David Skipper                     Max Robb, Nicki Bellew, Gillian O'Hara and David Skipper








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