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Volunteer of The Month

          Lyn at work with one of her "strong men", John Kent                     

   Lyn Mould - Christchurch

This is the story of a truly dedicated volunteer as told by Christchurch Club Manager, Susan Edwards.

"We all know the club members who come along each week, struggle to listen to the notices, play their bridge, complain about no biscuits, and then head off home again. Every now and then a member comes along who gives their all for the club. 

Lyn Mould from the Christchurch Bridge Club is a member who gives all and a bit more. 

Lyn Mould Vol of Month.jpg

With brand new club rooms after the 2011 quakes, the grounds were just bare clay. Huge amounts of fill had gone in to beat the liquefaction, and there was no hint of a garden.

Lyn and her helpers called upon the country horses, and with trailers they collected loads and loads of the good stuff those horses produce. Then came the call for plant cuttings, happily provided by members , (as long as they didn’t have to get down and dirty). With fund raising, Lyn’s team bought trees and plants, and equipment, and turned our gardens into a real eye catcher.

Sometimes I get to the club early, and there she is out there, weeding, planting, trimming, and running around with a wheelbarrow.  Lyn has the help of a couple of strong men, but the bulk of the work has been all her effort. A huge amount of funds has been raised by our “bring and buy table” for books. $2 each, and the popular ones get sold over and over again.

Our gardens are really appreciated, and the new outside furniture make it a pleasure to eat our lunch outside on the day sessions.

Christchurch gardens 1.JPG

A huge shout out and thanks to our Lyn."

Congratulations to Lyn, just the type of person every club needs. The Christchurch Bridge Club is a truly lovely
place both inside and out."

Richard Solomon

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