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The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 047

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Todays show includes:


Ni hao

China is done….for Barry

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  • Lebenshol – I spelt it?
  • What’s it all about?
  • Don’t mind Mereana – she’s still recovering
  • Medicine at tournaments, don’t forget it
  • Te Awamutu Restricted – results
  • The Bridge Zone Racing Channel – we name our next event
  • Queen Birthday Weekend Congresses – Auckland and Hawkes Bay
  • The prize draw cupboard has some trinkets from Barry’s China trip


How cute are the pandas….

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Thank you, Mariusz PuczynSki

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  • Standing up for your beliefs – zero tolerance for cheating, we salute your actions
  • And an amazing supportive gesture from Zia Mahmood to Mariusz
  • Book of the week – Famous Bidding Decisions – bidding disasters and test your skills against the experts
  • A question was asked about Poker and Bridge. We talk about whether playing Bridge will help with concentration for Poker players
  • Zai jian and xie xie Yuzhong Chen for your help

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