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The Bridge Zone Show - 045

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Today’s show includes:



China is coming…we begin our Chinese translations for various parts of the show


Thanks to Yuzhong Chen for adding another layer to the Bridge Zone

 Bridge Zone 8 May 2019 1.jpg


  • Bridge2success tournament   May 11th
  • It’s a global movement
  • Download the Funbridge app and play
  • Barry shares some great 1 liners from Will Rodgers, Oklahoma's Favourite Son

 Bridge Zone Show 8 May 2019 2.jpg


  • Judge Julie explains her thoughts on lateness 
  • The Theory of Exhaustion, walking the dog and Pearson’s theory
  • Results from Taupo
  • Good luck for those playing Inter Provincials this weekend


Click this link to enjoy the show



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  • Tauranga City Council
  • TECT.jpg