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The Bridge Zone Show - 043

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This show includes:

  • It was a Thriller at Auckland Easter Teams
  • The Ware theory gets to live another day

 The Bridge Zone Show 24 April 2019- 1.jpg


  • Blair Fisher – gets GOLD
  • Hamish Brown gets BOLD


  • Barry  has to skip lunch sometimes when involved with Appeals
  • Perhaps its others’ way of thinking he should go on a diet

 The Bridge Zone Show 24 April 2019 - 2.jpg

  • Judge Julie talks appeals, score cards and bidding boxes
  • APBF – the NZ team members were introduced at AKL Easter Congress
  • Mike Ware and Grant Jarvis receive special awards – what a great achievement gentlemen!!!

 The Bridge Zone Show 24 April 2019 -3.jpgThe Bridge Zone Show 24 April 2019-4.jpg

  • Pallets, darts, bridge lessons, Rubber Bridge and IP’s, all get air time

What a fun session today


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