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The Bridge Zone Show -040

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 This week's show includes:

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Celebrations and celebrity dating – what does this have to do with Bridge… and the Bridge Zone

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  • Are you a mop or a sponge?
  • Book of the week
  • Who would be brazen enough to say - Don’t buy this book  - that’s right our friend – Zia
  • How the experts win @ Bridge
  • BJ feels the commentators curse when BJ puts the hoo doo on him
  • We read and share statistical analysis info from Brad
  • Jump over calls – nothing like causing havoc when you jump

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  • Judge Julie – when 2 becomes 4 
  • Think more Count more – but not today
  • 10 seconds – practise your game face or talk about yourself
  • William Harlow – we’re watching the detectives director


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