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The Bridge Zone Show -031

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  Welcome to this week's show which includes:

  • Julie Atkinson joins the Bridge Zone today confirming her path to being a National Director
  • What’s her connection with Palmerston North Bridge Club ?
  • Ethics, crying, sharp practise and newbies at the Bridge table
  • Julie shares fantastic advice and lays down the law on a Strong 2 Club opening
  • Did you know how many HCP you need to open 2C?
  • A simple question - What’s an average hand?


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Book of the week – The Oxford Dictionary, The Bible or 50 Shades of Grey

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  • The Bridge Zone Racing Channel - this week’s feature race – South Island teams
  • A favourite is emerging and we have a late scratching - Who is the ring in…
  • Thanks for the questions everyone, Julie introduced another layer of information to the show


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