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National Congress News


Work and Play DO mix. 

Come for just the Weekends. It will now be cheaper.

The National Congress is not until late September (September 27th- October 5th to be precise) but it is never too early to be thinking ahead, planning for later in the year. We bridge players do quite a lot of advance planning, booking up tournaments or club sessions later in the year. So, let’s start looking at some of the changes for this year’s National Congress. Today, we will focus on the introduction of the Weekend Package.

There may be a perception that the age of bridge players is increasing. That perception may even be true. However, there are still a considerable number, many of whom are regular tournament players, who have full or part-time jobs. They do and still want to play in bridge events like our National Congress but they cannot be away from their work all week.

These are one group at which our Weekend Package is aimed. Yet, there are others who might just find a full week away too much, perhaps bridge wise or financially. They too can benefit.

What the Package Includes

This package involves events played over the first and second weekend of the Congress. Remember that the Congress begins and ends on a Saturday.

1st Weekend
Pairs Events: The New Zealand Open Pairs or The New Zealand Restricted Open Pairs (both include Back To The Future Teams)

2nd Weekend
Swiss Pairs Events
:  Open Swiss Pairs, Restricted Open Swiss Pairs or Intermediate Swiss Pairs
These events start Friday night and conclude on Saturday day (3 sessions in all).

...and the cost

The normal cost of playing these is $160 for the New Zealand Pairs/Restricted Open Pairs and $75 for any of the Swiss Pairs events. (Note that there are special prizes for Junior Pairs in the Intermediate Swiss Pairs…an event for both Intermediate and Junior Pairs)

We are offering the Weekend Package for $180 which includes the above events, a $75 per person saving. Since both the Open Pairs and Restricted Open Pairs packages include entry to the Back To The Future Teams on the Monday, the Weekend Package will allow you a similar entry to that event on the Monday. Naturally, if you make the final or Plate sections of the New Zealand Open Pairs on the Monday, the package includes playing those events as well.

We try to be as flexible as possible in respect to how much or how little players can play at the National Congress. We hope this Weekend Package makes the Congress more accessible to more players. ….You will find the Weekend Package listed under “Payment Options”Click here. You also need to enter the actual events in which you wish to play. Please note the price increases for payments made after 31st August 2019 as does the price for entering the NZ Pairs/ Restricted Open Pairs after that date (all increase by $20).

We hope some players will use this option thereby increasing the number who attend the New Zealand National Bridge Congress.

Richard Solomon

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